Saturday, June 23, 2012

Denmark 1

Now Denmark was majority of the time a hot headed fool but, nonetheless, you had a crush on him. He’s so thick-headed that he doesn't even realize nor notice your feelings. You’re pretty sure that all the other Nordic’s know of your feelings, they really are that obvious, and so they try to help you when they can. But no matter what they tried, nothing really got through to him. You were close to just flat out shouting in his face that you liked him, but you continuously believed that he would figure it out himself so you never did tell him.
You were in your house, gathering ice cream and movies for a night for yourself. Another day passed without Denmark realizing your feelings and you were beginning to feel tired. Placing your favorite movie, which happened to be a tear jerker, into the DVD player, you plop down onto the couch and snuggle into the pillows with the ice cream.
“Screw that Dane, I don’t have to suffer like this.” You press play as soon as the movie’s title menu popped up. “I can be happy by myself, and of course with my ice cream!” When the opening credits come rolling onto the screen, you scoop up a large portion of ice cream and stick it in your mouth. You drop the spoon and ice cream, holding your head in your hands. “Brain freeze!”
Tears sprung to your (e/c) eyes, the cause not only being the ice cream. Though you swore you wouldn’t cry because of the Dane, here you are doing exactly that. The sounds of actors speaking attracted your attention back the movie. You scowled and pick up the discarded ice cream from the floor, making yourself comfortable on the coach once again.
“No more thinking, just focus on the movie!” And you did just that . . . for 5 minutes that is. Your thoughts slowly drifted back to the stubborn hard-headed Dane. His bright blue eyes that always shined when he laughed, making your knees turn to jelly. Golden blond hair that was soft to touch even though it looked extremely rough and spiky. “Ugh, great now I have the one person I’m trying to forget stuck in my mind for good!” Suddenly the home phone began ringing. You reached over, stretching your body as far as it could, and plucked it out of its holder, pressing the green talk button in the process. “Hello?”
“(y/n)? Is that you?” Your breath caught as you recognized the energetic and cheery voice. A voice, that you were so use to that you could have figured out whom it belonged to from only a single word. The voice of the man you loved, still love.
“Denmark? You better have a good reason why you’re calling me so late at night.” You really weren’t in the mood for trying to act all sweet and crap. Your heart was basically broken even without the direct rejection from him.
There was a silence on the other line. You almost started to believe that Denmark had hung up when you heard his voice again, only this time more cautious. “Hey, you ok? You don’t sound to happy right now.” You let out an aggravated sigh, clicking pause on the DVD player remote.
“I’m just a little stressed out, so could you make this quick?” Guilt about snapping at him settled in the pit of your stomach like a stone. But you didn’t apologize, you couldn’t.
Another long pause before you heard another word. “Is something wrong? Anything I can help with?” You rubbed at your eyes, suddenly even more exhausted.
“What you can do is tell me why you called.” Your words were harsh, harsher then you meant them to be. But you couldn’t take them back so you kept silent, waiting for Denmark’s response.
It came shortly after you began playing with the edges of your (h/c) hair. “There have been reports of a suspicious person walking order your neighborhood. I called to tell you and make sure you were alright.” His voice sounded deflated, as if he had just been completely rejected. “Are you?”
Your (e/c) eyes widen at his concern. “O-oh, I-I’m sorry.” The words wouldn’t come out of your mouth easily; the guilt was gnawing at your insides. “Y-yeah, I’m alright.”
“Good, I’m glad that you’re safe and sound.” You could hear the relief in his voice clear as day. “Well that’s all I wanted to tell you. Have a good night.”
Before you could understand what you were doing, you called out to him. “Wait!” There was silence, no end tone so you assumed Denmark hadn’t hung up. “T-thank you . . . for calling and telling me this.” You hear his lively signature laugh and smile.
“Intet problem, you’re a good friend and I don’t want anything bad happening to you.” Your smile quickly turns sour. So he only saw you as a friend; that was just wonderful . . . “I’m sure you’re tired so I’ll hang up now . . . um . . . call me if you need anything.”
You nod but realize that Denmark couldn’t see you. “Of course. Goodnight.”
  “Godnat.” Then you heard the end tone. You set the phone back in its holder, gazing at it sadly.
You shake your head furiously, smacking your cheeks a couple of times. “(y/n), come on. Tonight’s the night to relax and forget.” And with that, you grab the DVD remote and press play, focusing everything on the screen.
Time Skip
A crashing sound coming from the front of your house woke you from your dreamless sleep. You blinked a couple of times, trying to get the rest of the drowsiness out of your system. Glancing at the TV, you saw that the screen was completely black. Strange, you didn’t remember turning the TV off before you fell asleep. “Huh? Maybe a power outage or something happened and the TV shut off.”
You sat up, rubbing the back of your head sluggishly when you heard another crash from the kitchen. Your entire body froze, listening for anymore sounds. When there weren’t any, you crept closer to the doorway leading into the hall. Looking carefully around the edge, you glanced down the hall trying to distinguish any movement.
Suddenly the shadows close to the open door leading into the kitchen moved, revealing the presence of a stranger in your house. You gasped softly when he turned in your direction, swiftly pressing your back against the wall in the living room. “This cannot be happening!” Your voice came out as a whisper so that whoever was out there wouldn’t hear you.
Footsteps sound in the hall, coming closer to your location. You hold your breath so that you won’t make a peep. When the footsteps stopped right in front of the living room door you squeezed your eyes shut praying that he wouldn’t find you. Then they continued walking, passing by the door and making their way farther into the house.
Once you were sure that the person was far enough, you tip toed to the phone slowly taking hold of it. Pressing in the buttons that you had long since memorized, you press the green talk button and hold the phone to your ear. The phone dialed a couple of times, you hoping that the Danish man hadn’t fallen asleep yet.
Then miraculously the dialing tone stopped and a tired sounding Danish voice answered. “Hallo? Who’s this?”
“Denmark?” You glanced behind your back, making sure there wasn’t anyone there.
“(Y/n)? That you? What’s up? You’re calling awfully late.” Denmark continued rambling, oblivious to your attempts to talk to him.
When he took a breath in between one of his sentences, you cut him off but did it in a whispery voice. “Denmark, I’m scared.” That shut him up quickly and when he talked again his tone was completely serious.
“What’s wrong?”
You struggled to control your breathing so you didn’t start hyperventilating. “There’s someone in my house. I don’t know who they are but so far they haven’t found me.” There was a creaking sound coming from close by and you stopped talking, pulling the phone away and straining to hear anything else.
After a few minutes of nothing, you slowly brought the phone closer to your ear only to have to take it back away at the loud yelling of your name. “(Y/n)! Answer me!”
“Ssssshhhh! Do you want them to find me?” Fear was laced into your voice, which quieted Denmark down quickly. You took a shuddering breath, to help calm you down a little. “P-please, help me.”
That did it. Rustling noises came from the phone and then there was Denmark’s voice. “I’m on my way. Hide yourself, so that they won’t be able to find you. But keep on the line so I know that you’re alright.” A feeling of relief spread throughout your body as you heard a door slam from the phone.
“Thank you.” You cradle the phone in your hands as you slowly stand up. Everything that happened next almost felt like it was in slow motion. Your elbow brushed against the lamp on the side table next to the couch, effectively tipping it over and sending it to the ground. As it hit the floor the smashing sound it made echoed loudly.
You gasped and spun around as quickly as you could as you heard noisy footsteps stopping at the living room door. The phone in your hand buzzed, signaling that someone was talking so you held it up to your ear. “(y/n), what was that!?”
Tears started leaking out of your eyes making the (e/c) in them gleam. “Denmark . . . hurry!” The man, as you finally could tell, walked into the room and snatched the phone out of your hand, ending the call.
“You trying to hide from me sweet cakes?” The man’s hand extended forward, reaching out towards your face. The moment he touched your cheek, you flinched and took a step back.
You’ve learned from many movies that you’ve watched to not show fear in such situations. So you set your lips in a straight line and glared at the stranger. “Who are you and what are you doing in my house?” Since you’ve already been found out you felt like you didn’t have to keep whispering.
The man chuckles, the sound of it sending shivers down your spine. “Who I am doesn’t really matter but I’ve been watching you for a while, where you go and what you do, I see it all. From all that studying I’ve come to the conclusion that you’re just what I’ve been looking for.” A creepy smile spread across his face as he walks closer to you. For every step he takes forward, you take one back until you’re pressed against the far wall.
“What are you going to do to m-me?” You tried to keep your voice steady but it cracked at the end, showing how scared you really were. This was the first time something like this has ever happened to you and the only thing keeping you from breaking down in tears was the knowledge that Denmark was on his way.
You could feel the hot breathe of the stranger as he leaned in real close to you. “Who knows, I might do a little of this or a little of that. But-.” He takes out a pocket knife from his coat and holds the blade to your neck. “If you struggle at all I will slit your throat.” You swallow hard, fear evident in your (e/c) eyes.
Suddenly there came the sounds of something being smashed to pieces and the man twists around to the living room door. There in the middle of the door frame, holding his battle axe and looking pissed beyond belief, was Denmark.
“Step away from the girl.” He took a step closer, his free hand clenched into a fist.
The man retaliated by grabbing your wrist and pulling you in front of him, once again holding the knife at your neck. “Don’t move. Take another step and she dies.” Denmark freezes, his expression darkening another shade.
“Let her go and if you do I promise not to kill you . . . much.” You could feel the man trembling by the hand he has on your shoulder. One more push and he would give in.
Denmark lowered his axe so that it was parallel to the ground and aimed straight at the man. The two had a stare off, neither moving, but Denmark’s stance showed that he would spring into action at any sign of danger. Then the stranger finally acted. “Fine!” He shoved you towards Denmark, rushing to the closest window, opening it and leaping outside.
“Woah, careful!” You stumbled forward, but Denmark’s hand steadied you. “You okay, (y/n)?” He rubbed your back in soothing circles, slowly bringing you down into a sitting position.
The tears that you had been holding in burst out and you sobbed into Denmark’s chest. “I-I was s-so s-scared! I d-didn’t kn-know what was going t-to happen to me . . .” You felt a hand go through your (h/c) hair, a calming motion. After a few minutes of endless sobs and soaked t-shirts, you managed to quiet yourself down enough to talk again. “Thank you . . .” Something soft and warm touched your forehead and you looked up to see Denmark gazing at you with tears in his blue eyes.
“I’m so relieved that you’re in one piece.” He wrapped you in his arms, squeezing you tightly. “When the phone hung up I swear my heart stopped beating for a second.” You buried your head further into his chest, grasping a handful of his shirt.
For a second you believed that Denmark really did have feelings for you, but then you thought back to the first phone call. You pushed him away, keeping your eyes downcast. “That’s because I’m your good friend right?”
“No.” Your head shoots up at that single word, looking at him, before your head gets tucked under Denmark’s chin. “It’s because you’re special to me, you always have been special to me.” Slowly he pulls your head away, staring into your (e/c) eyes. “Jeg elsker dig, (y/n).”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Denmark loved you too. “I-.”
“But I’m sure you don’t feel the same way. You’re always treating me like family.” At those words you literally face palmed. “(y/n)! What’s wrong?” You look into the Dane’s concerned face and sigh, grabbing the lapels of his coat you pull him face to face.
“I love you too; you were just too dense to notice.” And with that you smashed your lips together, silencing any words Denmark wanted to say. But it didn’t take long for him to respond to the kiss. He brought you closer, caressing your cheeks.
When the two of you separated, Denmark stared at you with love filled eyes. “At least that guy was good for one thing.” He nuzzled your nose. “Bringing us to together that is.” You giggled cutely and kissed the Dane again. “Why didn’t you say anything before? About your feelings for me?”
You rolled your eyes. “Well I kind of made it really clear that I liked you without saying anything. All the other Nordic’s figured out easily, except for you.”
“Huh? When was this?” You shake your head in disbelief.
“It doesn’t matter anymore. The important thing is that we’re together now.” The two of you smile at one another and share a sweet kiss with you ending it. “Now there’s one more thing I want to ask.”
Denmark grins happily. “Ask away.”
“Did you break my break my door when entering?” The Dane quickly paled at the sight of your sweet yet hiding-a-deep-anger face.
He quickly leaped to his feet, slowly backing up while holding his hands out in front of him “(y/n), I can explain!”
“Sure you can. Right after you’ve learned your lesson!” You chase after the retreating Danish man, giggling to yourself. Yup, this was the beginning of a beautiful yet sometimes painful (for Denmark) relationship.              
Intet = No
Godnat = Goodnight
Jeg elsker dig = I love you

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