Saturday, June 23, 2012

Greece 1

There were two things that you loved very much about your Greek boyfriend. One being his silent yet adorable nature, the other is his ability to attract cats wherever he goes. It amazes you beyond belief at how he can suddenly have a cat in his arms or atop his head at the most strangest places. Most of the time, when the two of you would be out on a date, there would normally be a cat or two with him. You didn’t mind much, they never really got in the way.
It was a nice day out, clear skies and sunshine. You were walking through the streets of Athens, trying to find your Greece. He had promised to take you to a newly opened sweets shop but when you got to the meeting place he wasn’t there. Even after waiting for an hour, he hadn’t shown up. So you were left to go searching for him in the large city.
“Geez Greece, where are you?” You made your way through a large crowd of people into an empty alleyway. There you took a breather since you had been looking for him for . . . well you didn’t know exactly how long but it was a really long time.
You took out your cell phone, flipping it open to check the time. It was half past 4 pm, more than 3 hours past the time you were suppose to meet with Greece. With an irritated sigh, you pocket the phone and start walking down the alley. Just great, you have a missing boyfriend and now you’re starting to get a sweet withdrawal.
Suddenly you heard a soft meowing sound come from a little ways a head. You move a little faster, turning the corner just in time to see a thin feline tail disappear behind a wall. “That’s it!” You exclaim, quickly chasing after the cat. What better way to find Greece then to follow a cat that’s most likely going to him?
Following a cat was easier said/thought than done. They always went through tight spaces and high places; you almost gave up after nearly falling off a fence post into a river. Almost. But you didn’t, you were determined not to be overtaken by a cat.
Finally, the cat that you had been following leaps into a clear patch of grass, scampering to a man leaning against a tree. You walked a little closer, taking care that each step was virtually silent. Upon closer inspection you discover that it is indeed Greece, taking an afternoon nap with several cats sprawled all over him. Brown hair covers his eyelids that you know hide gorgeous green eyes. His chest rises and falls with slow, even, breathes. You reached forward and brush brown hair out of his face, the action waking him up.
“Star?” Greece mumbles sleepily as he sits up, rubbing the drowsiness from his eyes.
You take a step back so you weren’t as close to him and smirk. “Well good morning sleeping beauty.”
Greece looks at you with half lidded eyes, smiling slightly at the sight of you. “What are you doing here? I-.” He yawns suddenly, stretching his arms over his head. “-thought we were meeting up around 1 to go to that sweet’s shop?”
“Yeah we were supposed to.” Your smirk falls, replaced by a frown. “Have you checked the time?” Greece shakes his head no. “Then, here.” You fish your phone out of your pocket and toss it to him. He catches it with relative ease, flipping it open in the same beat.
His eyes widen slightly at the time. “Is that really the time?” Greece stands up while still staring at the phone.
“Yup.” You take your phone from his hand, close it, and return it to your pocket.  
Quickly Greece grabs your arm and pulls you against his chest, his arms encircling you. “Λυπούμαστε, Star! I didn’t realize it had gotten that late.” The frown on your face softens in his embrace; you really were no match against Greece’s affection.
“It’s alright, I’m use to you and your naps.” Greece pulls away from you, far enough so that he could look into your nearly black eyes. “But you should tell me where you are before hand, it was nearly impossible to find you.”
“How did you? Not many people know of this place.” Greece’s expression turns to one of pure curiosity.
The same cat that lead you all the way here jumps onto Greece’s shoulder, rubbing against his neck. You grin at the cat, nodding towards it. “The fellow right there on your shoulder helped me.” At the sight of Greece’s confused face, you let out a sigh and step further out of his embrace. “I was in a random alley in Athens, looking for you, when I saw this cat. I thought that since cats are normally attracted to you that if I followed this cat it would lead me to you, which it did.”
“Wait . . . you followed a cat?” As you nod, Greece strides forward and grabs your shoulders. “Why would you do that? Wasn’t it dangerous?”
You think back to how many times you almost fell off high places or had to jump from roof to roof. “Well yeah it was dangerous, but just because it’s dangerous doesn’t me I won’t do it. Hell I handle guns all the time and I’m sure there a lot more dangerous than heights.”
Greece shakes his head in disbelief, taking one of his hands of your shoulder and petting your short black hair. “You’re amazing, Star. Just amazing.” You smile slightly at his touch but quickly cover it up with a pout.
“Well I had no choice. You told me you found a new sweets store, and I didn’t know where it was so I couldn’t go by myself!” You glance up at the sky, taking note of how close the sun was to the horizon. “I really wanted to go . . . but now we can’t.” Something warm touches your lips and you blush as you realize that Greece is kissing you.
Your entire body tenses but soon relaxes into the kiss. Greece licks your lips, like how a cat would, before shifting back. “I’m really sorry. Maybe tomorrow we could go?” Greece takes hold of your hand and drags it to his cheek, where he nuzzles into it. Your entire face goes bright red but you ignore that detail and grin.
“Can’t tomorrow, going over to Switzy’s to check out his guns.” Greece takes on a dejected look which makes you chuckle. You use your other hand that isn’t being held against the Greek’s cheek to ruffle his brown messy hair. “But I’m free the day after, so how about then?”
The dejected look immediately transforms into one of excitement. “Yeah.”
“And you won’t fall asleep and miss our meeting time again, right?” Greece blushes a little and shakes his head vividly. “Good.” You take one more glance into towards the sun before fixing your gaze onto the Greek. “To make it up for me today you can take me around Athens, I still can’t tell where I’m going most of the time. I feel like I’m going to get lost in the city and never get out!”
Greece smiles and takes your hand away from his cheek but doesn’t let it go. Instead his grip on it tightens and he starts walking in the direction of the city. “I can do that.” You allow him to guide you, a soft smile playing at your lips. Suddenly you remember something.
“We still need to go to a sweets shop today though!” Greece looks over his should back at you, an unspoken question in his green eyes. You shrug. “I’m in sweet withdrawal; if I don’t get some soon I’m going to become a pain in the ass.” You stick your tongue out childishly. “Or so my brother, Spain, tells me. Personally I don’t think I’m that bad.”
“We’ll go.”
You look at the Greek in surprise. “Really?” Greece nods and you throw your arms around him, kissing both his cheeks multiple times. “Thank you!” Just as quickly as you threw your arms around him, you let him go and skip past him. “Then let’s go!” The thought of getting sweets made searching for hours bearable. Getting the sweets with your Greek boyfriend made searching completely worth it. 
Λυπούμαστε = I'm sorry (I think it does)

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