Sunday, July 29, 2012

Germany Personal 1

The days were going great. Germany and you had been dating for almost a year and you were going to stop by his house. Plus you car could use a little tuning up and Germany was the man to do it. You pulled up to his house and got out of the car and knocked on his frunt door. “Whoever it is I’m busy!” You heard an angry german yell from the inside. You rolled your eyes and pulled out your cell phone and called him. He answered the phone “Hello Cassi. What is that you need?” You smile. He was grumpy today.

“I’m here to see you, Ludwig!” You say happily. He sighed not admitting he was actually happy that you were at his home. “So open up the door.”

“Alright Cassi.” He hangs up the phone and only moments later it opened up to see your german boyfriend. When you see him, he doesn’t look like he usually does. He was wearing an apron. “What?” He says in his heavy german accent. “Why are you staring at me like that?” You chuckle.

“I’m looking at you this way because you are wearing an Apron, Germany.” You reply with a chuckle. His face turned a deep shade of red with embarrassment.

“Uh. Yes. I am wearing an apron. I guess its time you learned something new about me Cassi. Come inside and follow me.” He said. You did as you were told and followed him into his house. He lead you the living room into the kitchen. When you looked around you saw it was neat and clean, like Germany, but you smelt something baking, and boy it smelt good. “Cassi. I like to bake cakes. It's something I’ve done for a long time. It makes me happy. But I think it would make me happier if you did it with me.” He gave a weak smile and looked at you. You smiled back at him. Never had he asked you to do something so personal with him before.

“I’d be more than honored Germany.” He his smile grew a little bit more and so did the pink on his cheeks. “

“I’ve already put the cake in the oven so all we have to do is wait and decorate it. It should be ready to take out of the oven-”

Beep. Beep. Beep.

“Well it appears it’s done. I’ll take it out you go puts some gloves and an apron on. There in the cupboard above the microwave and an apron is in the bottom drawer (ya know that thing that slides in and out?) underneath it.” You did as you were told and went the drawer and pulled out an apron. When you read it you smiled.

“Kiss the cook? Really?” You say.

“What? Is that a problem?” He asked questioningly with a blush forming on his face.

“No. I just didn’t expect you to own something like this.” You say with a smirk. He rolls his eyes  and pulls the cake out of the oven. When the cake cools down you and Germany began to frost. As you were frosting the cake Germany walks behind and says that the amount of the base frosting you turn around with the knife you used to frost and walk into him getting frosting all over his apron. “Germany! I’m so sorry!” You were expecting him to get mad but instead he smiles and gets cup of frosting and wipes it all over your face.

He laughs and you look at him shocked. That was when the frosting fight began. After about ten minutes germany corners you in the now, very messy kitchen. When you thought he was gonna finish you off he drops all of his weapons and kisses you. “Ich liebe dich.” He whispers as you part. You smile

“Ich liebe dich auch Germany.”

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