Sunday, August 19, 2012

Prussia 2


“Love or duty, which would you choose?” You were lying flat on your back in the backyard of your lovers place. The sun was just beginning to set so the whole yard was flooded in an orange/pink glow.
Right next to you, lying on his stomach, was your love, Gilbert. He turned his face in your direction, his crimson eyes boring into your (e/c) ones. “That’s a hard question, even for the awesome me.” You roll your body so that you were on your side facing the Prussian.
“I actually think it’s quite easy.” Your lover gives you a questioning look, one that you gladly responded to with a sweet smile. “If there was ever a time where I had to choose between the person I love or duty, I would always choose my one true love.”  Gilbert also turns on his side, bringing his hand up to caress your cheek.
The Prussian didn’t make any crude remarks or rude actions; he just stared deeply into your eyes as if looking into your soul. As minutes passed and he didn’t say a single word, you began feeling worried and at the same time embarrassed. His steady stare was making you feel self conscious.
You reach forward and tapped his forehead twice, a signal the two of you had when asking what the other was thinking about. The moment you touched him, he moved the hand lying against your cheek downwards to grab the hand that you used to poke him. He used his grip to drag you closer to him, so that your head ended up on his chest.
“What if your choice was, instead of duty versus love, your life versus mine?” He whispered softly to you, a volume you weren’t completely use to. You glanced up at him from your position against his chest. The Prussian started rubbing soothing circles against your back; the motion so relaxing it was putting you to sleep.
But your lovers question kept you from slumber. “Are you asking whether I would sacrifice my life for yours or just save myself?”
“Yeah, though this is only hypothetical, cause the awesome me would never let you get into a situation like that. And it’s obvious that I’m just too awesome to get into a situation like that myself, kesesese.” You roll your eyes, but the action was sluggish as the Prussian was still rubbing those circles in your back.
“Hmm, that’s a strange question. But like the other one, it’s an easy answer.” You moved your head to the side so you could hear your lover’s heartbeat through his shirt.
You could feel, just as much as hear, the Prussian underneath you chuckle. “Then go ahead and say it. The great me is listening kesesese.” Even though his words were meant to be self-centered, his tone was telling you that all of his attention was yours.
“Well we wouldn’t want the world to be deprived of someone as awesome as you.” Your own tone of voice was intended to be sarcastic, but a sudden yawn ruined it. Gilbert brought his second arm that had been stretched out to the side, up around you and began fiddling with your (h/c) hair.
“The world would be dull and not as awesome without me!” You noticed that his response lacked his usual confidence and frowned.
But you still continued on with answering his question. “Plus my life would be incomplete without you; I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. I’d be an empty shell.”
You snuggled in closer to the Prussian, noticing that he had stopped fiddling with your hair and rubbing your back to hug you tightly to him. A soft smile made its way across your face. You were just on the edge of consciousness and unconsciousness but you felt that you had to finish what you started.
“Your life  . . . is more important . . . than mine. So . . . to answer . . . your question . . . I would sacrifice myself . . . for . . . you.” Your voice grew softer and softer as darkness began shrouding your vision. But you had one more thing to say before you let yourself succumb to it. “I’d do it . . . all . . . because I . . .” You opened your eyes a little wider so you could watch as you reached up to him and ran your fingers over his cheek and lips tenderly. “I love you.”
Right as you said those words, your eyelids slid closed, hiding the brilliant (e/c) color. Your body relaxed entirely and you allowed yourself to surrender to the darkness of sleep that you had been evading until now. The moment you fell asleep, Gilbert let out a sigh and sat up slowly, so that he didn’t wake you.
He carefully stood up with you in his arms and walked towards his home. The sun had now completely set, and the stars were shining high in the sky. Once inside the house, Gilbert headed straight to his room. Setting you on his bed, he took your shoes off and placed a blanket over your slumbering form. You rolled over in your sleep, causing the Prussian to freeze.
When he realized he hadn’t woken you, he relaxed. Gilbert glanced momentarily at the clock, saw that it was late, and decided to clamor into the bed as well. He barely remembered to take his own shoes off as he settled down next you. As soon as he got comfortable, one arm over your waist the other under your head so that you were using it as a pillow, he whispered to you softly.
“I would be nothing without you, (y/n). So if you go, I’m going with you. A life without you isn’t life at all.” If you had been awake you would have seen the debating and struggling expression on his face. With his mind made up, Gilbert leaned in and brushed his lips against yours. “Ich liebe dich, (y/n). I promise you that the awesome me will make sure that we’re together forever.” And then, he too falls asleep right next to you, holding you tightly to him.
Time Skip
You had truly hoped that you would spend the rest of your life with Gilbert. Get married, have kids, then grow old together. But it seemed like Fate had a different plan for the two of you, a terrible one.
After that strange night, life returned to pretty much how it used to be. Only now you had this bad feeling that something bad was going to happen. It was a morning one week from that strange night that your bad feeling was at its peak.
“Gil . . .” You were sitting on a chair in front of the island in the kitchen, watching your Prussian lover cook some eggs for breakfast.
The Prussian looks up from the stove and grins widely. “What’s up awesome number two?”
You scoff and glare at the man. “I still have no idea why you continue to call me such a ridiculous name. It doesn’t even make any sense!” You throw your hands in the air with exasperation.
“Yes it does kesesese.” Gilbert smirks at you smugly. “I’m more awesome than you, so I’m awesome number one. But since you’re almost as awesome as me, though not quite, you’re awesome number two!”
His explanation, though making sense, did not appease your anger. “I still don’t like that nickname, whatever your reasoning for it is. What kind of girl wants to be called awesome number two by their lover?”
“You just don’t get it, liebeling.” The Prussian snaps the stove off and steps closer to you, leaning across the counter so that he was near your face. “You should feel honored that you’re almost as awesome as me, kesesese.” You rolled your eyes and stuck your tongue out at him, which was a bad move on your part. Gilbert shoots forward and opens his mouth to bite down on your tongue.
Your quick reflexes get you to pull back fast enough to evade the man. But in doing so, your chair wobbles backwards and then crashes to the floor, thus sending you sprawling onto the ground. “Ow ow ow ow!” You rub at the back of your head, where you were sure to have a bump later. When you looked back up, you saw your lover doubled over the counter shaking with laughter.
“The look . . . on your face . . .” He had trouble speaking through the fits of laughter that shook his body. The sight of his laughing form caused your temper to spike. You stood up, brushing off your jeans, and made your way to the front door. It took a minute or two for the Prussian to realize that you were leaving. When he did, you were already by the door putting on your shoes. “Hey wait! That’s so not awesome! Just leaving like that!”
You glanced up from tying the laces of your shoes, sending a glare at Gilbert. “Well causing your lover to fall backwards out of her chair isn’t awesome either.” With a huff, you finished tying both shoes and opened the door.
Gilbert took a second to slip on some sandals so that he could run after you. “Wait up! Where are you going?”
“Somewhere you aren’t.” You state plainly, stomping away across the street.
“You don’t need to go and overreact like this!” His choice of words made you just that much more ticked and you spun around to confront him. When you did, Gilbert was halfway across the street and you spotted a car coming down the exact street going 60 mph.
Just from looking at it you could tell that the car wasn’t going to be slowing down for anything, including your Prussian. So, before your mind could process the situation fully, your body bolted forward towards your lover. “Watch out, you idiot!” Gilbert froze in the middle of street, staring at you in utter confusion. You reach him just as the car was closing in and shoved him out of the way. But there wasn’t enough time for you to escape as well.  
 The pain, as the car hit you, was excruciating. First your body hit the glass of the front window, sending you tumbling over the roof of the car, and then slamming back onto the pavement of the road with a loud crack. It felt like every single bone in your body broke into thousands of pieces, and that could have very well been the case.
You were lying with your back on the pavement and head facing the direction the car had come from. Thankfully your legs and arms weren’t bent in any weird ways, from what you could tell. You heard your name being shouted before you felt your entire body lifted into someone’s arms.
The sudden movement caused your entire body to scream out in pain, and you couldn’t help the tears that began streaming down your face. You felt your cheeks being rubbed at gently and finally you realized that someone was talking to you. “(y/n)! You’re going to be alright, you hear me!? Just be awesome and stay with me!” You looked up into Gilbert’s hysteric, tear-filled, crimson eyes.
He was inspecting your body thoroughly, and what he saw wasn’t good at all. You had a wound on your head that was bleeding nonstop, creating a small pool of blood under you. More small minor cuts covered your neck, face, arms, and legs. Gilbert was also sure that you more than likely had several broken bones. The tears he had been trying to hold back fell as he took in all your injuries. “G-Gil . . .”
“Shh it’s alright; everything’s going to be okay.” You felt his hands brush your (h/c) hair out of your face. “Don’t talk. The ambulance is on its way, so just stay awake for me alright?” That was easier said than done. All you wanted to do right now was to sleep. The pain had subsided by then; now all you felt was cold and numb.
You tried to tell the Prussian something again, thinking that talking might be able to help keep you awake. “I’m . . . sorry . . . Gil . . . for over- . . . reacting.” As you finished your short sentence, you were struggling with breathing.
“Please . . . don’t talk anymore.” The Prussian’s voice came out strangled as he choked on his tears. “There’s nothing for you to apologize, liebling.” Tears fell onto your cheeks in patters. “What I did was unawesome, and I shouldn’t have done it.” There was a moment of silence, only broken by the sounds of doors opening and your ragged breathing, before Gilbert spoke up again. “Why? Why did you push me out of the way?! I would have rather it be me to have been hit then you!”
Your sight was getting a little bleary as you tried to focus on your lover. “For love.”
“For duty.”
“Wait, what do you mean?” You ignored the question and continued with your listing, though a coughing fit overtook you before you could say the next one.
Little droplets of blood came out of your mouth as you coughed, staining yours and Gilbert’s clothes even more than they already were. You lifted your hand up so you could touch the face above you. But before you reached it, Gilbert took the hand in his, kissing each one of your knuckles gently.
You smiled weakly up at him and the Prussian returned it with a shaky one of his own. A drop of blood fell from the corner of your lips and he wiped it away. His eyes were pooling with fresh tears, the sight of it was so unusual that you couldn’t help but stare up at him.
“Please don’t . . . cry.” You attempted to wipe his tears away but only managed to smear your blood on his face. When you noticed this you grimaced. “I’m sorry.”
Gilbert shook his head slowly, closing his eyes momentarily. “Like I said, there’s nothing for you to apologize for.” In the background, you could dimly hear the sound of sirens going off. Your lover must have heard it too because he muttered to you quietly. “Just hold on a little longer, only a bit more.”
“Can you . . . do me a . . . favor?” You stared up at him pleadingly, using your best puppy dog eyes. The ones you reserved for when you asked Gilbert to do something you really wanted. “Please?”
“Of course, I’ll do anything the awesome you wants.” A happy shine appeared in your eyes as your lover agreed.
“Then will you smile for me? I don’t want you to be crying right now.” Your complexion was beginning to take on an extremely pale color as the pool of blood underneath you steadily grew.
Your lover chuckled unsteadily. “I-I can totally do that for you.” And with that, he forces his lips to turn up into a small smile. It was nothing compared to his more natural smiles, but for you it was better than a sad face.
“Thank you.” Your thanks came out as a sigh as you close your eyes. This caused the Prussian to panic and shake you slightly.
“Don’t you dare go to sleep, (y/n)! Blieb wach!” By now there was a large crowd gathered around the two of you, gasping and whispering as they gazed pitifully at your broken form. In the back of your head, you wondered why they weren’t trying to help.
You opened your eyes slightly and Gilbert let out a sigh of relief. For a moment you felt like the whole world had stopped, like it was giving you enough time to say what you wanted before you left it. Yes, you did just say you were going to leave this world. Because inside, you knew your body wasn’t going to be able to make it till the medics came. You no longer could feel anything anymore, breathing was becoming more of challenge with each passing breathe, and your senses were dulling rapidly.
With a burst of sudden strength, you pulled Gilbert down so you wouldn’t have to talk as loudly. “Do you want . . . to know . . . the last . . . and final reason . . . why I saved you?”
The Prussian nodded cautiously, murmuring almost silently. “Yes . . .” You took a second to get enough air in your lungs to spill it all out.
“I love you . . .” Tears were rolling down your cheeks in waves as you spoke, a small, sad, smile playing at your lips. “. . . and I just can’t live without you . . .” Then, with all your strength and will left in your body and soul, you brought your lips to his and kissed him with all you had.
At first he didn’t respond, but slowly he did. This kiss felt as if it housed all of yours and his feelings for each another, a kiss full of love. After a minute or so, Gilbert began noticing that you weren’t kissing him back anymore. When he pulled back he discovered your eyes closed. “. . . (y/n) . . . ?” He lightly tapped your cheek, causing your head to lifelessly roll backwards. “(y/n)?” The Prussian checked your breathing, but chocked when he found out you weren’t breathing at all. “(y/n)!? Please, no!!!” Lastly, he checked your heart.
Discovering it had stopped, he screamed with all of his sorrow and fury, holding you close to him as he did. He continued screaming even as the paramedics arrived. Just as his voice became hoarse, he collapsed on top of your still and cold body, mumbling close to your ear. “I love you too, and . . . I’ll be right behind you.”   
`Blieb wach = stay awake                     

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