Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sweden 1

Other countries are always telling you that your boyfriend is very intimidating. Always telling you how brave you are for being able to stay together with him. In your mind you imagine smacking them hard since their blind to Sweden’s true value. People always judge one another by their appearance without even getting to know that person. Sure Sweden has a large body build that intimidates most and has a scary expression, but underneath all that he’s nothing but a big sweetheart. You whole heartedly wanted others to realize that. But every time you told Sweden this he would tell you that he was happy enough that you knew. When he says that it makes you happy but at the same time slightly disappointed; it’s why you have yet to give up.  
It was a crisp winter morning and you were in the living room with Sweden, snuggling under one blanket. You sit in his lap, nuzzling your cheek against his chest. “Christmas is coming up soon.” Your response was a kiss on your (h/c) hair. “Do we have anything planned?”
After a few seconds of silence, Sweden finally replies stiffly. “Spend it alone together?” You giggle and look up into his green-blue eyes that you loved oh so much.
“Of course we’re going to spend Christmas together! That’s a must!” A blush creeps over Sweden’s cheeks as you kiss them lightly. “I was just wondering if we were going to go out somewhere or we could stay at your place and I could make us a Christmas dinner.”
“Stay here.” Though he only said two words you knew that those words have a deeper meaning.
You snuggle up closer to the Swedish man, smiling sweetly at him. “Does that mean you want to eat my cooking? I’ve been practicing when I have the time at home, so it should be pretty good.”
“Hmm . . .” That was basically a yes in his words; you pushed against Sweden’s chest for better leverage so you could kiss him on the lips.
“Alright I’ll make it the best Christmas dinner you will ever have! And then afterwards we can sit in front of the fireplace with hot chocolate and snuggle like we’re doing right now!” You clap your hands together and you’re (e/c) eyes take on a dreamy look at the thought of the Christmas night. “Oh that sounds so romantic.”
Suddenly a small white puff ball rushes into the room and leaps onto the two of you. It licks away at Sweden as you try your hardest not to burst out laughing. The lack of expression on his face just made the scene even funnier.
   “Hanatamago, you silly girl, you’re smothering him.” You giggle, gasping when Hanatamago turns from Sweden and begins licking at your own face. “S-stop! Haha, that t-tickles!”
The feeling of her tongue disappears and you slowly open your eyes to see Sweden holding the dog in his arms. “I think it’s time for her walk.” He sets the dog down and she goes bolting through the doorway towards the front door.
“How can she have that much energy early in the morning?” All you got was a shrug from Sweden. “Well anyways, let’s hurry and get our shoes and coats before Hanatamago returns with more slobber.” You walk through the doorway that Hanatamago went through and to the closest.
You take your fuzzy grey boots and cozy black winter coat out of the closest. The coat wasn’t that thick but it should keep you warm enough for the walk. “(y/n).” At the sound of your name, you turn around and see Sweden holding out one of his scarves.
“What about your scarf? Do you need help putting it on or something?” Sweden shakes his head and holds the scarf out closer to you.
“With just that coat you’ll freeze. Put this scarf on too, it’ll help.” You blush as he wraps it around your neck himself. Once it was completely around your neck, you try to burrow farther into it to hide your red face.
Sweden smiles at you slightly, brushing your cheek gently, causing your already red face to grow even redder if that was possible. “Thank you.” You voice comes out muffled because of the scarf, but you know that Sweden heard you from the nod he gives you.
“I don’t want you to get sick; the recent temperatures in my country have been lower than normal.” You shiver internally at the thought of the cold weather, but on the outside you put on a brave smile.
The sound of the quiet pattering of Hanatamago’s paws on the wooden floor fill the halls as the dog comes turning the corner with her leash in her mouth. You bend down and take the leash, clipping it onto the collar around the dog’s neck. “There we are. You ready for your walk?” Hanatamago barks a couple of times and you pet her affectionately. “Good girl.” You stand up and look at Sweden.
“Ready to go?” With a nod from you, he slowly opens the door letting in a freezing cold breeze. A sample of what was out there. You shiver slightly and Sweden wraps an arm around your waist slightly. “Let’s go.” The blush from before that had disappeared, came back with a vengeance has the two of you stepped through the door into the cold with a hyper active dog.
Time Skip
“It might be a good idea if we started heading back.” You had difficulty talking with your teeth continuously chattering together. “I can’t feel my fingers anymore, which I take to be a bad thing.” Sweden and you had walked Hanatamago through town into the closest park, hand in hand the entire time. But with the cold temperatures you couldn’t stand being outside for too long.
Next to you Sweden takes both your hands and breathes out warm air on them a couple of times. “Is that any better, (y/n)?” He let’s go of one of your hands and starts rubbing the other between his hands.
“Yeah, a little bit.” You lift Sweden’s head by his chin and kiss him on the lips. “Thank you.” He wraps his arms around you, deepening the kiss. When the two of you finally separated from the kiss, you were out of breath and flushed red with your (e/c) eyes sparkling with happiness.
In front of you there was another couple walking in the direction of you two, completely in their own world. But then again so were you, as Sweden brushes his fingers through your (h/c) hair. They bumped into you and the bubble that was your world popped. The couple apologized to you first, but when they took a look at Sweden they both flinched.
“W-we’re s-sorry!” Their apology sounded unconvincing, merely because they sounded like frightened children. The girl leaned in close to you and whispered quiet enough that only you could hear. “I’m sorry, but is he your boyfriend by any chance?” You nod, wary about what way this questioning is going to go. “Then I feel sorry for you, he’s one terrifying man.”
“Please don’t go insulting my boyfriend like that!” You say your words loud enough so that the two boys could hear you. “We just met and you really have no right to say anything.”
The girl backs away from you, hands up and eyes wide. “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to say anything offensive.” You glare at her venomously and she grabs her boyfriend’s arm and escapes as quickly as she could.
You feel your shoulder being touched and turn to see Sweden gazing at you, a hint of a question in his eyes. Under his stare you blush and look at anything but him. Though he grabs your chin and makes you look into his eyes. “(y/n), what did she tell you?”
“I-it’s nothing important . . .” You knew that if you said anything, Sweden would tell you to let it go. It’s something you’ve learned from past experiences like this. “Really.”
Sweden stares silently at you, his blue eyes looking at your own (e/c) eyes as if he could see your soul. “Don’t lie to me, (y/n). I know that what she said is troubling you.” You try to look away but your boyfriend’s grip on your chin only tightened. “Berätta för mig.”
“She told me . . .” The rest of your words came out as a soft mumble, way to quiet for anyone but you to hear.
“What did you say?”
A pout crosses your face but disappears when Sweden gives you a feather light kiss. You take a deep breath and finally on your own will looked at him. “She told me that she felt sorry for me, because you were my boyfriend and you looked so terrifying . . .”
“. . .” The grip on your chin disappeared and instead your cheek was cupped gently. In the distance you could hear Hanatamago barking and pulling against her leash, but your focus was on your love right in front of you. A smile was playing at the corner of his lips which made you confused.
“Sweden?” Suddenly the leash was ripped out of your hand and you whipped your head to side just in time to see Hanatamago dart away deeper into the park. “Hanatamago! Wait!!” You run out of Sweden’s hold and chase after the dog. “Stop running!”
You could hear footsteps behind you, signaling that Sweden was right following you. The two of you run through the snow, just barely having the dog in your sights. Your breathe start coming out as pants as the chase grows longer. As your energy wanes, Hanatamago’s seems to grow.
“W-wait!” Your words came out as a wheeze. A burning sensation spread through your legs and you abruptly tripped over something hidden and fell face first into the snow. You felt too tired to pick your face up so you just laid there for a few minutes, until Sweden came and lifted you into his arms.
His expression was unreadable, but from knowing him so well you could tell he was worried. “Are you alright?” He sweeps some snow off of your nose, kissing it when it was clean.
“Yeah I’m good, just tired.” The sound of crunching snow got closer and then a wet, cold nose was shoved in front of your eyes. “Hanatamgo! You came back! Gosh, you really can run.” You sat up, petting the dog’s head fondly.
Hanatamago licked your face before licking Sweden’s, whose expression had softened into a small smile. He glances at you and the smile turns loving, surprising you. “Don’t mind what others say.” You blink, taken off guard even more, and open your mouth to respond only to be interrupted. “They aren’t the ones I fell in love with, you are. The only words that matter to me are yours.” Your face bursts bright red.
“Yes. Jag älskar dig, (y/n).” He leans in close, kissing the outside of your ear and whispering. “You are my world.”
It was rare for Sweden to say such tender words, so tears began spilling down your cheeks. “I love you too.” As Sweden wiped away the tears, you leaned into his touch. “I’m sorry that I keep making a big deal about other’s opinion. It just isn’t fair that they judge you without even knowing you.” A hiccup came out of your mouth and Sweden shushed you with a kiss.
“Don’t cry.” He gave you another soft kiss. “Snälla.” You nodded and Sweden wiped away the rest of your tears. “Let’s go home.”
“Ok . . .” With that, Sweden takes Hanatamago’s leash and helped you stand up. But before you began the journey back home, you pulled Sweden down to your height by his collar, kissing his cheek and whispered quietly. “Just to let you know, you’re my world too.”    
Berätta för mig = Tell me
Jag älskar dig = I love you
Snälla = Please

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