Monday, May 28, 2012

Norway 1

Magic, magical creatures, miracles, and all those kinds of things you had once never truly believed in. But that was before you met Norway. Everything he has shown you were things that science says isn’t possible. When you had first heard him say something about magical beings you had thought he was just joking, you were quickly proven wrong. Norway was also surprised when you had told him you could see the things he did. He said it wasn’t common for someone to be able to see magic. So, because the both of you had this in common, you spent a lot of time with each other. One day you had realized that you had fallen for him.

“Well it does sort of make sense, me liking Norway. We have spent a lot time together, so of course my feelings would grow for him.” You pace around a tree in the backyard at Norway’s place, having come to visit the fairies that lived in his home. Suddenly you stop spacing and stare into the forest next to the house, a horrific thought coming to mind. “But what if he doesn’t feel that same way?”

“Who doesn’t feel the same?” You jump at the sound of Norway’s voice, face turning red at thought of him overhearing you talk to yourself. “(y/n)?”

You spin around and come face to face with Norway, his head cocked slightly to the side. Your cheeks bloom an even darker red since that action makes him appear extremely cute. “O-oh, n-nothing . . . just me mumbling to myself haha . . .” You try to laugh it off but it ends up coming out like a nervous giggle. Norway looks at you worriedly, his normally unemotional blue eyes glittering the sunlight drifting through the leaves. “So um, how’s everyone doing?”

“Who? Are you talking about the other countries or the fairies that stay here?” Glad that the subject got changed, you relaxed and smiled at him.


The two of you started walking towards the forest, the place where Norway and you normally spend your time together. “Hmm, the fairies are doing fine. They’ve been meaning to talk to you again for some time.”

“Is it alright if we go talk to them later?” Norway glances at you and smiles softly; your heart skipping a beat at the sight of it.

“If you want to, we can.” You blush again, reprimanding yourself in your mind to have some control over your blushing. “The other countries are doing well too, I think. I don’t talk that much with anyone other than Denmark and Iceland.”

Norway shrugs and glances around as you enter the forest. “You’re such a recluse, Norway. Always keeping to yourself.” Norway stops and looks straight at you.

“That isn’t completely true, (y/n).” You stare at him with a confused expression.

“What do you mean?”

He steps closer so that he was within arm’s reach of you. “I don’t keep anything from you.” All of a sudden he grabs your wrist and pulls you into his body, encircling his arms around you. “I wouldn’t be able to keep anything from you, (y/n).” Your (e/c) eyes widen to size of dinner plates, why is he doing this?

“What are you doing? Norway?!” You struggle in his embrace, completely caught off guard. “Let me go.” Norway’s only response is tightening his hold on you. Some fairies perch on a nearby tree branch, giggling at the two of you. Your face heats up, now really embarrassed. “Let me go!”

You place your hands on his chest and push with all your might, it does absolutely nothing. “Why are you fighting (y/n)? Don’t you like me?”At that, you fall still and look up at him in surprise.

“What?” Norway relaxes his grip on you and sighs.

“Back there at the tree; didn’t you say you liked me? Or were you talking about a different Norway?” Your eyes widen more, if that was even possible. Norway pulls back slightly so he could see your face better. “(y/n)?”

Mustering every bit of strength you could, you shove Norway away. Since his grip on you was loose he easily fell backwards onto the ground. Once you were free you sprinted away deeper into the woods, ignoring Norway calling your name. Now don’t go thinking you don’t like Norway, because you do. But you had just realized your feelings earlier today. Having him finding out so soon was . . . overwhelming. You had also thought that if you had stayed he would have rejected you and then your friendship would be destroyed.

So you ran through the forest, not looking where you were stepping until your foot caught on to a root and you fell face first. “Ouch!” You sit up and rub your nose. “I really should have watched where I was going . . .” When you tried to stand up, you cried out as pain shot up from your ankle. “Oh no! Please don’t tell me I twisted my ankle!” Upon closer inspection, you verified that you had indeed twisted your ankle and figure you won’t be able to walk on it for a while.

You glance around and shiver, the once gentle and peaceful looking forest now seemed dark and terrifying. Clutching your arms, you were about to shout out for Norway when you realized that you had just been trying to get away from him. So you clamp your mouth shut and silently pray that someone will find you.

After waiting in the same position for half an hour, or so says your watch, you start to think that maybe no one was looking for. Not even Norway. Tears leaked out of your (e/c) eyes and you covered them with your hands. Why did you run? Are you so much of a coward that you couldn’t face your own feelings? You broke into sobs that echoed throughout the forest. A few trolls popped out from trees and then disappeared.

“I’m such an idiot, running like I did. The best thing for an idiot like me is stay in this forest all alone.” You sniffle and hiccup before dragging yourself to the closest tree, leaning against it for support. “I’m sorry Norway . . . I really should have been honest to you and told you my feelings then.”

“Why don’t you do that right now?” You gasp and look up, watching a panting for air Norway make his way towards you. “I’ve been looking all over for - (y/n)! What’s wrong!?” He sees you leaning against the tree, looking completely helpless and runs to your side. He kneels down to your level to check for any signs of a wound. “Are you hurt somewhere? Did you fall or something?”

You wipe the tears away only for them to be replaced by fresh ones. “My ankle . . . I fell and twisted my ankle.” Norway gently picks up your ankle to take a closer look and you hiss at the pain that it causes.

“Hmmm, we need to get you to the hospital fast; you might have actually broken something. Here I’ll carry you.” With that said, Norway tenderly picks you up bridal style being careful not to bump your ankle on anything. “I’m sorry for not getting here faster. You must have been so scared.”

You stop him with a shake of your head, your (h/c) brushing against his chin. “It should be me who’s saying sorry . . . I shouldn’t have run away like I did. It’s just . . .” You think for second before stretching your body and kissing Norway right on the lips. “I love you . . .”

Norway stops walking and stares down at you, stunned into silence. “(y/n) . . .”

“It’s alright if . . . you don’t feel the same. I just wanted you to know my feelings.” His hands cup your chin and lift it up so that your lips meet his in another more passionate kiss.

“(y/n), you never listen to a person till the end. Jeg elsker deg. I always have since the day you told me that you could see what I saw. Now don’t go running off again.” You blush and look away, ashamed as well as embarrassed.

Norway starts walking again now in silence, one that you break. “I’m glad that you feel the same way.”

“Me too.” He kisses your forehead gently. You nuzzle into his chest, eyelids starting to droop. “Get some rest, when you wake up you’ll be somewhere safe and sound and I’ll be right next to you.” Hearing his reassurance, you stop resisting and quickly fall asleep in Norway’s arms. Completely content in his arms. You guess that this must be another one of Norway’s miracles, and again it amazes you.
Jeg elsker deg = I love you

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