Saturday, June 23, 2012

America 1

As the days go by with the fact that you had a crush on Alfred F. Jones, quarterback for Hetalian High school. You were walking with your best friend, Elisabetta, or better known as Hungry. “(y/n) I can’t believe you like Alfred Jones! He is such a thick headed imbecile!” You sigh having expected this reaction from Elisabetta then smile.

“I knew you would say that. Liz, he is just sooooo cute that I can’t help but liking him!”

“He doesn’t even know you exists!” She said being the stubborn female that she is.

“Is it really that bad if I admire from afar?” Elisabetta sighed and face palmed. As she did you had reached her house.

“Well. Don’t get too caught up in Alfred or be disappointed if he is too idiotic to realize that you like him.” She said beginning to walk up to her front door. You roll my eyes and smile.

“I know Lizzie. I will see you tomorrow rite? We got to do that physics project.” You say.

“Of course my dear (y/n). And don’t call me lizzie.” With that she walked into her house and shut the door.You then took your normal short cut through a nearby forest. Everything was exquisitely peaceful. Birds were chirping, the trees gently swayed to the dull breeze that was blowing, and none of the icky bugs were out. It was amazingly calming to the senses.
        Then everything started to get quiet, all except for a snapping of branches that was coming from a little ways behind you. At first you thought it was nothing, but it started to get louder and closer. Every waking breath you took started getting more panicked, and you started walking just a little bit faster every few feet or so. Soon enough you were running until someone in a ski mask grappled you. He wrapped his arm from behind you and put a knife to your neck and put his nasty rotten mouth up close to your ear. “If you give me everything I want,” he whispered, “I may let you live.” You were to to terrified to speak but you screamed. And you screamed like the nest day the world was going to end.

“That won’t be necessary today you loser!” Said a very loud voice from behind you. Within seconds you were no longer in the grasp of the masked mugger but on the ground watching Alfred F. Jones beat the living crap out of the masked man. It came down to Alfred bashing the villain's head into a tree knocking him unconscious. He wandered over to you and knelt down. “Are you alright (y/n)?” He said no longer in the obnoxious voice he usually had but in a worried and sweet voice.

               “I-I..” You couldn't even get out two words then bursting into terrified sobs. He sat down and pulled you into his lap while stroking your hair. Several moments later five policemen showed up.

“Is everything okay? We heard some screams and thought we should check out the situation.” said one of them. Alfred picked you up wedding style and walked over to the policeman.

“Yeah. That man lying unconscious attacked her. I think I’ve seen him on the News a couple times.” He said calmly. One of the other police officers walked over to the mugger.

“Yeah. Its the guy we have been looking for over a month. We should take him to the police station for questioning and such. The way he was hit, he may have a concussion.” He said to the police officer nearest to you.

“With all that he has done, he probably deserves a little more than a concussion. Anyway we will take him down to the station. May I ask for the two of you for your names?” He said looking at the both of them.

“Yeah. I’m Alfred F. Jones and this is (insert full name here). We live over on the east side of  town.”

“Sounds good. We’ll keep in touch with you kids if we need anything and we’ll call your parents in such. Why don’t you take her home. The girl has been through a lot today and we’ll have you come down to the police station tomorrow.” He said looking at you.

“Sounds like plan.” Alfred said with a smile then looked down at you. “Lets get you home.” He then continued carrying you the same way until he reached your house and sat you down.

“Thank you Alfred.” You smiled then hugged him. “You are my hero Alfred.” When you pulled away his face was a bright shade of pink.

“(y/n). I have been... kinda... in you for a really long time.” He said nervously. “I mean sense we first meet.”

“I feel the same way Alfred,” You smiled in delight.

“Would you like to get some ice cream tomorrow?”
         Your smile grew even wider. “I love ice cream.”

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