Monday, May 28, 2012

Romano 2

At this point in your life, you believed that your love life was going amazingly well. You had the absolutely cutest boyfriend in the world, who loved you very much. It’s only been three months since Romano and you had started dating and you’d fall in love with him even more every day that passes. Of course you two weren’t without fights, and some of them could get very serious, but everything turned out alright in the end. You felt like your love could survive anything; that your love is and always will be invincible.

It was a Thursday afternoon and you were gathering your papers in the meeting room after a long and tiring World meeting. The last few people in the room were you, Russia, who you had noticed kept glancing at you throughout the meeting, and Japan. Since you were getting a bad feeling from the Russian, you tried to be quick as possible in picking up all your papers. But you had forgotten to zip the zipper closed and when you stood up all your stuff fell out on the floor.

“Damn it!” Your face grows red, mortified. You quickly kneel down on the ground and start picking up loose papers, stuffing them back into your bag. Forget organization, you needed to get out of there! Someone hands you one of your pens and you take hold of it. “Thank yo- Russia!” You look up and pale at the sight of the Russian man, your (e/c) widening.

“This is yours da?”

You glance down and nod, turning your expression from scared to neutral before taking the pen from his hand and placing into a side pocket of your bag. “Thank you . . .”

“It is no problem, comrade.” He helps you gather the rest of your things the stands up, brushing off his long coat. “Where are you off to in such a hurry, (y/n)?” You make sure that your bag is tightly closed before answering him.

“I actually made some plans that I’m late to with Romano, you know, my boyfriend.” When you Russia had first asked the question, he seemed perfectly normal. Mentioning Romano, though, made his violet eye twitch and his dark aura appeared. You notice this but ignore it, you weren’t going to let Russia scare you right now. “Why do you ask?”

Russia smiles at you childishly, as if inside his mind he wasn’t creating a plan to force the other countries into join him. “I wanted to go out and get to know each other more, to have a better relationship.” You shiver at the hidden intentions in his words.

“Well, I’m sorry that I can’t make it today, maybe another day?” Without waiting for his response you walk towards the exit, hoping that he would leave you alone. Your hopes, of course, were crushed. Upon reaching the door and opening it a smidge, a large hand shoots passed you and slams the door shut.

“I wasn’t asking, (y/n). You will come with me, da?” The tone of his voice left no room for argument, he played with a few strands of your (h/c) hair. You had a sense that if you did, Russia would use more forceful means of getting you to come.

So in the end you agreed to go, but only if you could call Romano before going. Russia consented, though grudgingly, telling you not to say where you were heading. He gave you the scariest look you have ever seen before walking out the door. You remembered that Japan had still been in the room after the meeting ended, but when you glanced around, he was nowhere to be seen. His ninja skills! They must come in handy in these situations!

Taking out your cell phone from your bag, you speed dial Romano’s number, holding the phone up to your ear. It rings a couple of times before a familiar Italian accented voice answers. “Ciao?” Just the sound of Romano’s voice manages to calm you down slightly, but not all the way.

“R-romano?” Your own voice comes out shaken and scared and you quickly cover it up with a cough.

It was too late though, Romano had already heard it. When he spoke next he sounded worried. “(y/n)? Dove sei? Did something happen?” You almost cracked, wanting to tell him everything that has happened. But you knew if you did that there would be consequences.

“Um, nothing’s wrong. I just called to tell you that I can’t make it for out date today. S-something came up suddenly . . .” Lying to your boyfriend was the hardest thing you could do, and nearly impossible. It took all your willpower not to spill anything.

“What came up? Is it the potato bastard?! Did he give you more work? Damn him! First he takes my little brother now he’s taking you away from our alone ti-” You couldn’t stand hearing more, afraid that if he kept on going you really would say something you weren’t suppose to.

A knock came at the door and Russia poked his head in, mouthing ‘hurry up’ before disappearing once again. “It’s not like that Romano. Just . . . nothing. Look I got to go. I’ll call you l-later.” Your voice cracks at the end and you quickly end the call, holding the end button down longer than necessary. The screen of your phone turns white then black, meaning that it was switched off. You grip the phone close to your heart then slip it into the front pocket of your jacket.

You grab your bag, take a deep breath, and walk to the door, opening it up to face the Russian. He looks up from the opposite wall and smiles creepily. “You are ready, comrade?” Russia holds his hand out for you to take, but you ignore it, instead walking passed him.

“Yeah, I’m as ready as I can be. Let’s get this over with, and no more threatening. Got it?” Russia easily catches up, grabbing your hand in a tight grip.

“Da.” You shiver and inwardly pray that nothing bad happens . . . and apologizing to Romano for lying to him.
Time Skip

For a couple of hours, you’ve been dragged around to different places. Russia took you almost everywhere, forced to do what he wanted. You weren’t utterly miserable, but you didn’t want to be there. Spending time with Romano would have been a more enjoyable time, besides you were still beating yourself up for lying to him. Though you didn’t have a choice, bad things would have happened if you said no. The day was nearly over; Russia couldn’t keep you all night. The last place he took you was a bar in the city, where you currently were.

“I said no, Russia! Get that bottle of vodka away from me!” You shove the vodka that Russia continues to offer you away for the tenth time. Your (h/c) hair messy from the long day and (e/c) eyes having an annoyed but tired look to them. “That stuff tastes nasty!”

Russia chuckles deeply and chugs down the rest of the contents in the bottle, picking a new one when he was finished. “You just do not understand the true flavor of водка. If you tried, maybe you would like it, da?”

“Not in a million years.” You glance downwards towards your pocket, at your phone you had taken out and turned on. The time said 11:56 pm. “I believe we’ve had enough ‘getting to know each other’ time. I’ve got a busy day tomorrow so I need to go.”

You grabbed your bag from the seat over and stood up, only to have your wrist snatched by the Russian. “Do not leave yet, (y/n). There are still many things we must do.” His grasp tightens and you wince in pain.

“Russia let me go. I’ve spent hours with you and I want to go home now.” He stands up, towering over you so your head had to tilt up to see his face, still clutching your wrist.

“Then I’ll go with you, da?” Russia sweeps some of your (h/c) away from your face, trailing down your neck to your collarbone. Your temper peaks and you felt like you’ve had enough.

Taking a step back, you slap Russia right across the cheek, hissing out. “Stop it! I have a boyfriend that loves me with everything he has! I’ll never let you get between us!” Russia’s expression darkens tenfold; the sight of it stops you from saying another word.

“You really shouldn’t have done that, comrade.” He seizes your chin and pulls it close enough that you could see the whites of his eyes. “It seems you require a наказание.” Russia smashes your lips together harshly, your (e/c) widening.

You struggle against him, hitting his chest repeatedly. When you were released for air you punched his face as hard as you could. “You bastard!! How dare you!” The punch didn’t have much of an effect instead in only made Russia smirk. He leans in to kiss you again when a loud crash stops him.

The two you look towards the door, torn off from its hinges on the ground. In walks a very pissed off looking Italian with a handgun in hand. You gasp as tears gather in the corner of your (e/c) eyes, it was Romano. He hears your gasp and looks over in your direction. When he notices the position that you were in, he lifts the gun and aims it at Russia. “Let her go, bastardo! (y/n) is mine!”

Russia’s smirk grows larger as he pulls out a pistol from within his coat. “She will become one with Russia. Do not interfere.” He shoots at Romano, who rolls and dodges them. Tears soon roll down your cheeks as one bullet nicks Romano’s arm.

“Romano!” You kick Russia right between the legs and his grip loosens enough that you could run away. Just before you do, you take his pistol from his hand. Romano stares at you in bewilderment, but shakes it off quickly as you run up to him. “Let’s go!” He grabs your outstretched hand and sprints with you out of the bar and down the street.

After having run for a few minutes, you had to stop because of cramps in your side. All of a sudden you were in Romano’s arms. “You are such an idiota! Why didn’t you tell me on the phone that Russia was threatening you, (y/n)!?” More tears ran down your face as you grip the back of his shirt tightly.

“I-I’m sorry . . . I t-thought . . . he would h-hurt you . . . if I said n-no.” Romano pulls away a little to wipe away your tears, shushing you quietly. “H-how did you find me?”
“Japan had called and told me what had happened. I don’t like him that much since he’s friends with that potato-bastard, but I’m grateful he told me what he did.” So that’s where Japan had gone. You decided that you’d have to go and thank him later.
You suddenly remember the wound he had gotten and grasp his arm to see it. There was only a tear in the clothes, no bleeding mess or anything. “Wha-? I thought I saw you get shot?”

Fingers lift your face up so you were staring into Romano’s amber eyes. “Remember, (y/n), we countries heal fast. But did that bastardo do anything to you?” Your face heats up in shame as memories of the kiss that was forced on you popped up in your mind. Romano notices the reddening of your cheeks and frowns. “He did do something to you, didn’t he?”

“Y-yes . . . I tried to fight him back but, I wasn’t strong enough.” The pissed off look from before slowly returns to Romano's face.

“I’ll kill him!” He starts stepping back in the direction of the bar, but you intercept him.

“It’s not like that! He only kissed me! And it was only once; you got there just in time. I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t come then . . .”

You glance up at him and flinch at the murderous look in his eye. “He . . . kissed you?” Too afraid to speak, you nod your head. Romano’s hand darts forward and yanks you closer, crashing his lips onto yours. He deepens the kiss and you wrap your arms around his neck, surprise melting into pleasure. When the two of you separate, you’re panting full force. “There, that’ll erase his taste from your lips.” You blush but kiss his forehead gently.

“Did I tell you thanks for saving me yet?”

Romano glances down at you; cheeks flushed. “Not yet.”

“Then, thank you, for saving me.” The two of you kiss again, Romano dipping you backwards. He breaks away and whispers into your ear softly, making a shiver run up your spine.

“Vi sono mine.” He nips at your neck possessively, brushing your (h/c) hair out of the way. “I won’t let anyone else have you.”

You pull on his hair so he would lift his head up, and kiss him on the lips. “I love you the most, Romano. No matter what you do to me, I will always love you.” A blush makes its way on his face and you smile at it, (e/c) eyes bright and playful. “You are so cute!” Romano growls.

“I’m not cute!” He kisses you again, deepening it even more than the kiss before. Romano’s kissing assault continues until your legs turn to jelly and he has to hold you up. Then he kisses behind your ear once. “Ti amo, (y/n).” Your breath catches, and your next words sound are barely above a whisper.

“Let’s go home.” With that said Romano picks you up and carries you to your house where you spent the rest of the night together. Hey, at least in the end you got to spend time with your loving boyfriend!

Dove sei = where are you
водка = vodka
наказание = punishment
Vi sono mine = you are mine

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