Sunday, July 29, 2012

Japan 2

You’ve traveled to countryside towns and villages in Japan but you have never once been in the capital. The calm and peaceful atmosphere of the rural areas was nice and all but there were things that one could only see in the big city. So every day you would pester your boyfriend Kiku, also known as Japan, to take you there. He would always give you the same answer each time, ‘maybe tomorrow’ or ‘we’ll go soon’. It’s been three weeks since you started asking and you had gotten fed up with his avoidance on the topic. You decided that you would ask him once more nicely and then you’d resort to other means in persuading him.
“Japan, we need to talk.” You walk into you Japanese boyfriend’s room, after knocking of course. No matter what anyone says, you do have manners. “As in . . . right now.”
Walking into his room, you noticed that you caught Kiku right before he had his afternoon tea. “Hai? What do you want to talk about, (y/n)-chan?” He stares at you with his unflinching chocolate eyes, the same eyes that make you flustered and speechless.
“W-well . . . um . . . that is . . .” Just from looking into his eyes you had trouble trying to remember why you were here in the first place. “I can’t remember actually.”
Kiku chuckles behind his hand and gestures towards the seat opposite from him. “Well why don’t you take a seat and join me for tea?”
You nod dazedly, sitting across from him and accepting the cup he gives you. “It’s weird, but I feel like what I came to say was really important.” There was a nagging feeling in your mind, one that you couldn’t ignore.
“If it really is that important then I’m sure you’ll remember it soon enough.” The two of you take a sip of tea simultaneous. “So how are you today?”
“Fine . . . I swear that there’s something I wanted to ask you.” You tap your forehead then your chin absently. “Hold on, let me think about this for a second.” Kiku bows his head slightly, smiling along the edge of the cup.
“Take your time, we’re in no rush.” You bow in return, still in deep thought, as you look around the Japanese styled room.
There were pictures hanging on the wall to your left that you had taken a liking to. Some were paintings of cherry blossoms and other nature scenes. But there was one picture of the Tokyo tower that you just adored. Wait . . . Tokyo? Isn’t that-? “Ah ha! I remember now!”
Your sudden outburst surprised Kiku causing him to spill a little tea on his yukota. While he dabs at the stain with a tissue he asks. “What did you want to ask me than.”
“Tokyo! I want you to take me to Tokyo!” Your (e/c) eyes were bright with excitement and anticipation. “You will take me, right?”
Kiku glances up from cleaning the stain to your face. “(y/n)-chan, you know I can’t right now. Maybe another-.”
“No. I’ve had enough of your excuses your brush offs. You take me today or I’ll go there myself.” A stare off started between you two. With Kiku gazing steadily and you glaring stubbornly back.
“How would you get there? We’re not close enough for you to walk and there we don’t live near anyone who could give you a ride.”
You knew that he would bring this question up so you had an answer already set up. “I prepared for a situation exactly like this. On my phone I have China and Korea both on speed dial, I’m sure one of them won’t mind taking me.” A smug smile spread across your face as you finally stumped Japan. Said man rubs the bridge of his nose, letting out a long sigh.
“You had this all planned out, didn’t you?” One look at the Japanese man and you knew that this time you had won the battle.
“Kiku, I have always dreamed of going to the big city, the capital! Don’t get me wrong I loved going to all the small little villages and towns, the atmosphere was so peaceful and refreshing.” You reach over and clasp Kiku’s hand. “But I want to try something new, somewhere . . . exciting!”
A thick silence fell over the room, one full of tension. You swallow hard, a drop of sweat slipping down the side of your head. Then the silence is broken by another sigh, one of defeat. “Alright, you win. I will take you tomorrow, promise.” Your (e/c) eyes light up and you can’t stop yourself from rushing forward and glomping the unsuspecting Japanese man. “(y-y/n)-chan! W-what are you doing!?”
“I’m showing you my appreciation, and of course my affection.” You kiss Kiku’s hot red cheek. “Thank you!” As his cheeks grow even redder, you giggle and quickly stand up. “I’m going to pack, now don’t go forgetting your promise overnight.” Kiku mumbles a response as he holds a hand against one cheek. You giggle again and practically skip out of the room, satisfied with the results you achieved. Finally after weeks of begging, you’re going on a trip to Tokyo!
Time Skip
The next day came fast and soon enough you were just 5 minutes away from Japan’s capital. All the way there Kiku had kept silent, only saying good morning when you waltzed out of your room with a bag for the trip. This wasn’t going to be an overnight trip but there were still things that you needed, for one thing money was a number one necessity.
“Oh, there it is!” You press your face against the car window trying to get a better view of the big city. “Man, just look at it! It’s even better than I imagined.”
You feel a tap on your shoulder and you look back at Kiku. He peeks at you from the corner of his eyes. “Just hold on, we’ll be there in a few minutes.” Thrilled that your boyfriend was finally talking to you, you grinned at him before turning your attention back to the growing city.
“What kind of things are we going to do once we get there?” Since you’ve never been to a city that’s population were more than 10,000 you didn’t really know what was in them.
“This is your trip, (y/n)-chan, we will do whatever you want to.” His response made the choices you could make endless.
You started to smack your forehead against the glass, a frown on your face. “That’s just making it harder for me, you know.” The car ride continued in another silence. With Kiku focusing on the road and you thinking on what the two of you could do first. “Well there’s sightseeing, which is a most, and trying the local cuisine, and then lastly we have to go shopping.”
“May I ask what we would do first from your list?” You had to mull over this question. All the choices were important and had to be done on this trip, but which one had to be done foremost?
As Kiku’s car drove into the maze tall skyscrapers, you brushed your fingers through a patch of (h/c) hair getting out all the tangles. “Hmm, since it’s still pretty early in the morning eating the local cuisine is out.” Taking turns left and right, you feel completely overwhelmed at the actual size of the city.
At the sound of Kiku’s warm voice calling your name, you shake the confusion away and smile at the Japanese man. “If it isn’t too much trouble, I’d like to go shopping first. Seeing everything that this place has to offer, it’ll be an amazing adventure!”
“Hai. If that is what you want to do then so be it.” With that out of the way, you sit back and stare at the passing signs and buildings. A variety of people walked down the sidewalks, some leisurely strolling while others sprinting. Some wore school uniforms then there were some that wore suits.
After having stared at the scenery and passing people for a good 10 minutes, Kiku turned the car into an open space and parked. “Is this where we’re going?” You open the door and step out, doing a 360 degree spin to look at your entire surroundings. “Wow . . .”
“What do you think?” For a few minutes you only stared at everything. The right words just wouldn’t come to your mind.
When the silence stretched out even longer, Kiku moved closer to you and placed a hand on your shoulder. His touch surprised you and shocked you out of your stupor. “Huh? Oh yeah, this place is . . . mind-blowing.”
Kiku smiles as he takes your hand. “Then shall we go?” You nod enthusiastically. “Follow me.” With that said, the two of you walk down the crowded streets of Tokyo hand in hand.
“Look over there!” You wave a finger at the manikins in the window of a clothing store, childish awe filling your (e/c) eyes. “The clothes here are so adorable!” One manikin was dressed in a black skirt with ruffles and a white loose shirt with small writing on it. “Especially that outfit there.”
You drag Kiku to the store front, placing your hands flat against the glass once you reach it. A couple of girls in school uniforms take one look at you and giggle. From the corner of your eye you watch Kiku step closer and lean in next to you. “You’re right, it is quite adorable. Why don’t we go in and you can try it on?”
“W-what? No, I can’t!” But despite your objections, Kiku took you inside and up to a store clerk. He speaks to them in a low tone, pointing at the window then at you. You stand to the side, wringing your hands together.
Soon enough the clerk disappears and your boyfriend walks back to your side. “They told me that there is one more complete outfit like that in the back that you can try on.”
“Kiku, I know that I said that it looks cute but on the manikin, not on me-.” Your words are silenced as his hand grazes lightly against your cheek.  
You close your eyes slowly as the hands travel over your lips but open them when the touch disappears. Instead of looking into your boyfriend’s normally neutral expression you come face to face with the cloth from the outfit you thought cute.
“You are cute, (y/n)-chan. Try it, I am sure that it will look amazing on you.” You couldn’t stop the blush from spreading across your face.
“Alright, if you say that then I will.” Kiku holds the hanger out and you take it from him, following the store clerk to the back of the store to a changing room. Once inside you the twist the lock, double checking that the lock was truly locked, before hanging the clothes on the closest hook.
As quickly as you could, you pull off your own t-shirt and slip out of your shorts. Then you carefully unclip the new clothes from the hanger, but before you put them on you just held them in your hands. You stare the words written on the white shirt, feeling the soft material it was made out of.
“Is this really going to look good on me?” Taking another look at the clothes you let the corner of your lips rise in a soft smile. “Only one way to find out.” You pull the shirt with care over your head, freeing the edges of your (h/c) hair from the shirt.
Next you step into the skirt, tugging it up so it hugged your waist snuggly. Suddenly there was a light knock on the changing room door. “(y/n)-chan are you alright in there?” You stare at yourself in the full body, mesmerized by your appearance. As you reach forward to touch your reflection, there was another knock only this time a little harder. “(y/n)-chan?”
“Wha-? Oh, yes I’m alright. I’m coming out now.” Embarrassed that you had gotten so distracted you didn’t notice your boyfriend calling for you. You unlock the door and step out, clasping your hands behind your back. “Well? How does it look?”
You kept peeking between your bangs at Kiku, trying to figure out what he thought from his expression. But like it always was, his expression didn’t give away anything. Suddenly Kiku leans in close and you thought that he was going to kiss you, but instead he just pats your head smiling.
“Just like I thought, it looks perfect on you.” You blush bright red from his compliment while he straightens up and looks towards the store clerk. “We will take it. Is it alright if she wears it out?” The store clerk smiles and nods before walking to the cashier.
“Wait! Kiku I can’t accept this! At least allow me to pay for it with my own money.” Kiku, who had turned to go and pay for the clothes, stopped and looks over his shoulder back at you.
His silky black hair falls over one brown eye and he pushes it back before addressing you. “(y/n)-chan, this is a gift for you, the one I love. Or you could think of it as an apology for ignoring your request to come here for such a long time.”
“A-alright . . .” But when Kiku turned his head back around, you grabbed his arm and pulled him back down to your level. “Thank you.” You knew that since the two of you were in public you couldn’t kiss him on the lips so you kept it to a peck on the cheek. “I love you.”
You let go of his arm and prepared to take a step back when Kiku took your face inbetween his hands and kissed you on your lips. When he pulled back he quietly whispered so that only you could hear. “I love you too.” Then he let you go and went to pay for the clothes. The rest of the trip went smoothly and you went home incredibly happy. See, one can get what they wish for with a little convincing.        

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