Monday, June 11, 2012

Sealand Personal 1


There was another world meeting happening soon, in Spain, and you arrived early to go site seeing. Lately at the meetings England’s little brother, or so you think it’s his brother since they look so much alike, has been popping up out of nowhere and interrupting someone’s speech. It’s happened to you a couple of times so far, though you don’t really mind. You wondered if it would happen again, and to whom.
 You stand outside of the hotel you’re staying at during the world meeting, shielding your (e/c) eyes while staring at the very blue sky. The weather was relatively warm around then and you were thinking of the many things you could do. “Hmm, I guess the number one thing I should do is go in my room and unpack.” Thinking about it for another second you nod and grab your small rolling suitcase, stepping towards the hotel.
“Kitty!!” A cheery voice calls out to your left. Suddenly a small boy tackles into your side, causing you to land on your butt. The boy perks up, wrapping his short arms around your neck. “I’m so happy you’re here too!”
The fall had knocked the breath out of you so you had to take a deep breath before speaking. “Sealand! You’re here?” Sealand looks up and grins smugly.
“Of course I’m here! I am a country too you know.” You giggle at his adorableness and ruffle his hair.
“Not yet you are. Many of the other larger countries have yet to acknowledge you as a nation, and without that you aren’t a full country.” Sealand pouts and you smile sadly at him. “I’m sorry for having to tell you something so sad.”
Sealand bounces back up to his feet, his pout turning into a grin. “There’s a perfect solution to that.” You stand up as well, brushing off dirt from your shorts.
“What’s that?”
You look up to find the small boy pointing straight at you. “You’re going to help me, Kitty.”
A breeze picks up, ruffling your own (h/c) hair. You blink once then twice, staring at Sealand. “Me? What can I do that would be of help to you?”
“You’re a country yourself right?” You slowly nod. “Then you can help me convince others that I really am good enough to be a nation too, simple right?”
  Sealand’s practically bouncing on his heels as you pick up your suitcase and start walking to hotel, with him following behind you. “You know I would love to help you in any way I can, Sealand. But I’m only a small country, miniscule compared to the others. I don’t think my opinion matters much, if I did say something I’m pretty sure I’d be shot down right there.”
“But . . .” You glance down at the small boy walking next to you, frowning at the sad expression on his face.
You step in front of him and crouch down, smiling. “I’ll see what I can do, alright?” His expression brightens and leaps forward onto you, kissing your cheek.
“Thank you Kitty!” You blush red as you stroke his blonde hair. Sealand pulls back and smiles at you. “When I become a nation we’ll become allies, okay? I’ll come whenever you need help and you’ll do the same for me, promise.”
You couldn’t help but smile at his proposition. “Okay, when you become a country, we’ll defiantly become allies.” You lean forward and kiss both of his cheeks, watching them grow a bright red. “So hurry and become a big, strong nation.” He gapes, his face entirely colored red, as you straighten up and walk to the front desk. Maybe there is a chance he might become a nation. You look back and giggle as Sealand is still standing in the same place you left him, stuttering and fidgeting. Maybe.  

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