Sunday, July 29, 2012

Spain 2

The beaches along the coast of Spain are a popular tourist site. You convinced your lover, Spain, to take you to one of the beaches on his next vacation. Just for that occasion you bought a new swimsuit that complimented your body quite nicely. Since lately Spain’s been really busy with work, you wanted to take this time to go out and have some fun, relax and enjoy the time together. Of course what you didn’t know was that the day might not be as relaxing as you hoped it would be.  
You lazily placed a baseball cap over your (h/c) hair that you had pulled into a loose ponytail. In front of you was a big green bag that contained all the things that you would need for the trip to the beach. Since it was meant to be a break from work, you forbade the packing of any technology.
Light knocking came from the door to your room before a well tanned, green-eyed, brown haired head peaked in. “Hey (y/n), you ready yet chica?” Your lover, Spain, walks into the room heading to your bed and plopping down on it.
“Almost, just need to find my sunglasses. Do you remember where I put them?” You crouched down, moving your bed covers, and looked under your bed. “I swear I had them with me yesterday when I went out to the store . . .” When you couldn’t find what you were looking for, you stood up and did another quick sweep of the room with your (e/c) eyes.
“Relax, I’m sure you put them somewhere in here and you just forgot where.” At Spain’s carefree and slightly insensitive words you smile at him sweetly and gesture to the vicinity.   
Confusion clouds his green eyes, as he doesn’t comprehend your motion. You, being the nice girl you are, decide to enlighten him. “Instead of just sitting there, on MY bed, why don’t you help me look for it? Then it’d be quicker to find and we’d be able to leave for the beach sooner.”
You could literally see a light go off in Spain’s head as a bright grin spreads across his face. “Oh, si! Of course I’ll help!” He leaps to his feet and starts looking around your room. “They’re the sunglasses you always wear right?”
“Yeah, the ones with the white frames and little diamond studs.” Watching your Spaniard walking around, picking stuff up and searching, you couldn’t help but giggle quietly.
Not quietly enough though. Spain heard you and lifted his head towards you, a curious look to his features. “What is it, chica? Did I do something funny?” You shake your head, a smile lifting the corners your lips.
“No, it’s nothing. I’ve already checked that area.” You point in the direction where Spain’s standing. “Where I haven’t checked is the area on the other side.” Spain smiles sheepishly before strolling to the opposite end of your room, stopping in front of you when he reached you to plant a quick kiss on your lips.
Your cheeks bloom red, the kiss having surprised you. But Spain doesn’t take notice as he bends down to inspect something close to your dresser. “Ah ha, I found them (y/n)!” Spain saunters over to you, plopping the missing item on top of your baseball hats rim. “They were squeezed between the wall and your dresser.”
“Oh, they must have slipped off the dresser when I closed one of the drawer’s a bit harder then necessary and I didn’t realize.” You take the glasses off your hat, inspecting them closely before glancing up at the Spaniard. “Thank you.” Spain doesn’t reply with words but leans in close. You know exactly what he means by that so you stand on your tip toes and kiss him.
Before you could react, Spain grasps your arms and wraps them around his neck, deepening the kiss. The kiss lasted a few minutes before you took your arms from around Spain’s neck and pushed him away. He grinned at you, panting quietly but noticeably. “You’re welcome.”  When he leans in for another kiss you roll your eyes and push him away by the cheek.
“Come on, we made plans to go to the beach today right? Since we found my sunglasses we can head out.” You grab the green bag off your bed and sling it over one shoulder, heading out of your room to the stairs.
“W-wait (y/n)! Por favor!” On the second top stair, you stop and turn around, spotting Spain in the doorway. “What about kissing time?”
You stare at the Spaniard, resting on the door frame staring back at you with this completely innocent look on his face. A sly smile crosses your face at an idea on how to get Spain to hurry. “If you hurry now, we’ll have some ‘kissing time’ when we get to the beach.” As soon as your words fully sunk into Spain’s mind, he races forward, grabs your green bag, and rushes down the stairs calling behind him.
“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go!” You laugh freely as you continue down the stairs. It’s just too easy to get your love motivated.
Once you step down on the ground floor, there’s Spain waiting for you. Seizing you by your wrists, he practically drags you to the front of the house and out the door. “Whoa! Spain no need to pull me like this.” But your words fell on deaf ears as he continued to yank you towards his sleek tomato (yes it was tomato, Spain’s favorite food) red car.
“Sorry mi amor, just really excited.” You glanced suspiciously at the Spaniard as he opened the passenger seat door for you.
“What are you excited for, the actual trip to the beach or my promise of kissing time?” Spain froze in the process of helping you into the car.
He got this deep in thought expression and you couldn’t help but giggle at how funny it looked. “Both?” You shook your head at him and got into the car without his help, closing the door so Spain would have to get into the driver’s seat if he wanted to hear your reply.
When he did you tapped his tanned nose lightly and smiled. “If that’s your answer, don’t go making it sound like a question.”
“Oh um, si!” Spain quickly starts the car and drove out of your home’s driveway, driving down the road and to the beach.
Time Skip
You weren’t happy one bit right now. The moment you stepped one foot out of the car and onto hot white sand you got this bad feeling, and it was right. When you had finished laying out the towels underneath the large umbrella Spain had prepared, you looked up to find your own boyfriend talking with two other girls. At a closer examination you discovered that the two girls were actually flirting with him but Spain was too dense to notice.
At first you wanted to go over to them and break it up, show the girls that Spain was yours. But when you saw his happy smile you frowned. Didn’t he want to spend this time you had together? Apparently by his actions he didn’t. So instead of having a great time with your lover, you were sitting on the lighter colored towel, staring out at the sea.
But that wasn’t the reason why you were close to tears then. It was that Spain didn’t really notice your unhappiness, or that you weren’t even near him. You looked around the beach, taking note of all the laughing couples. “How can he just leave me like this? Does he even really love me?” Your (e/c) eyes widen and you quickly shake away that thought completely. “No, no, of course he loves me. We wouldn’t have started dating if he didn’t love me.”
When you glanced back to where those two girls were talking (more like flirting) with your boyfriend, you gasped as you saw they weren’t there. You stood up and searched around the beach for Spain with your eyes.
“Please don’t tell me he went somewhere with those . . . those . . . ugh!” With another sweep you spotted your boyfriend playing volleyball with a handful of girls and a couple of guys. You stare wide eyed and open mouthed at him. “He doesn’t even realize he left his girlfriend behind, the nerve of him!” You stood up and thought about going over there but once again changed your mind. “If he wants to have fun with someone other than I then so be it. I’m just going to go swimming and have fun by myself.”
You stand up, taking your baseball cap that you still had on your head and placed it on the towel where you had just been sitting. Before you went out under the sun, you made sure that your entire body was lathered in sun screen so the chance of getting sunburned would be slim. Close to the water’s edge, small children played with one another, splashing and giggling. Once you yourself touched the beginning of the stretch of wet sand, you stopped and looked out to crashing waves and crying seagulls.
“I have to say, this beach is beautiful.” The tide washes up and over your feet, bringing chills to your body at the waters cold temperature. You shiver but walk into deeper water. “Definitely a must go place to go if you want to cool off . . .”
A couple more steps and you were waist deep in the water. You cupped your hands and submerged them, then lifted them and poured the water in your hands over your head. Beads of water dripped down strands of your (h/c) hair and down your cheeks making it appear as if you were in tears.
“Refreshing . . . even though the salt is slightly burning my eyes . . .” You carefully open your (e/c) eyes that you had closed before dumping the water on yourself. Glancing back at shore, you watched Spain smack the volleyball and smile at the girls. Then, before real tears could even make their way to your eyes, you dive straight into the deep blue.
You knew that if you opened your eyes now the salt in the water would burn your eyes, but you did it anyway. The sight that was before you was well worth it. Fishes of all colors swam by, their scales glimmering in the sunlight. The corral at the sea bottom was so interesting looking that you couldn’t help but reach out to touch it.
Suddenly you felt a sharp pain in your right calf, spreading quickly up your thigh. The pain was so abrupt that you gasped and lost all the air you had been holding in. You gagged, your mouth rapidly filling with salt water. Before anymore air could escape and be replaced by liquid, you clamped your mouth shut tight but by then the damage had already been done. A majority of your oxygen was lost and what you had left wasn’t enough.
You tried swimming back up to the surface but when you moved your right leg a little the pain came immediately back. But besides that, you couldn’t tell which way was up or even down, your mind was becoming that muddled.  A light headed feeling spread throughout your mind and you could hear your heartbeat loudly in your ears. This can’t be happening, you thought as the darkness started to close in. Spain, save me!
Then you felt hands wrap around your arms and start pulling you. The darkness that clouded your eyes was too thick you couldn’t see nor tell who it was. All of a sudden the pressuring feeling of ocean water disappeared and you felt the rush of fresh air. But even with the knowledge of being back on the surface, you continued to slip away.
“(y-y/n)! Come on, estancia conmigo!” You had this sense of familiarity with the voice, but you were so out of it that you couldn’t figure it out. The world just got darker and darker; the continuous shouting of the person’s voice was fading away quickly. Breathing was becoming such a struggle that you had begun to give up. Soon enough there wasn’t any more pain, just a numb feeling.
Just when the numb feeling spreads throughout your entire body you feel a light pressure against your lips and air being forced into you. With just an ounce of consciousness left you could faintly hear your name being called when the pressure left. Everything that happened next seemed to go by so fast. The numb feeling disappeared and your eyes shot open.
You gasped and started coughing up water, barely aware of the hand rubbing at your back. When the coughing fit subsided you took a couple of deep breathes, trying to calm your racing heart. “Mi amor?” There was that familiar voice again, and this time you figured out who it belonged to. You glance up into worried forest green eyes, the eyes that belonged to your boyfriend. “Are you alright?”
At first you couldn’t find your voice to answer him. What you did was look at him then your surroundings, which was the beach shore. A crowd had gathered around the two of you, whispering to those near to them. You shivered as a chilly breeze came from offshore and towel was placed over your shoulders. Finally you spoke, your voice coming out rough and whispery. “I thought I was going to die back there.” Another shiver ran through your body but this time not because of the cold.
“But you didn’t.” Spain this time wraps you in his arms, pressing his nose against your wet (h/c) hair. “I was so scared when you weren’t at our stuff. Even more so when I saw you go under in the water and not come up.” His arms began trembling and it was then that you realized how terrified he truly was.
“I’m . . . sorry . . .” Your entire body was exhausted and you sagged against the Spaniard, who tightened his hold on you. “. . . so tired . . .”
The two girls from before ran up behind Spain and stared down at you. One of them slid her hand up Spain’s arm to his shoulder. “You just saved this poor girls life! You’re such a hero.” You wanted to slap that sly smirk of the girl’s face, but there was barely enough energy in your body to keep you conscious.
“This ‘poor girl’ you’re talking about is my girlfriend.” The dark tone in Spain’s voice surprises you and you glance up  to see him glaring venomously at the girls. “And she nearly died, so give her some space.” They flinch and back away into the crowd. Spain returns his attention to you, caressing your cheek tenderly. “You’re going to be alright, mi amor. Just sleep, and when you wake up you’ll be all better.”
You stare at Spain, your vision growing darker again only this time you know it won’t be for good. “Really?” He nods enthusiastically, forcing a smile upon his face. “Then before I fall asleep there’s something I want to tell you.”
“What is it, mi amor?”
With as much strength as you could muster, you pull yourself up by Spain’s shirt collar and kiss him. After the kiss you fall back into his arms and whisper out your words. “I love you.” Then your eyelids droop closed and you fall into a deep, dreamless, sleep. But right before you completely fell asleep you heard the words you wanted to hear all day.
“Te amo, (y/n).”         

  estancia conmigo = stay with me           

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