Monday, May 28, 2012

Austria 1

Every Tuesday you would go over to Austria’s place and cook him dinner. It kind of became a tradition after he had found out about your amazing cooking abilities. You didn’t mind at all since you enjoyed creating different kinds of dishes, plus you sort of had a small crush on Austria. So this was like hitting two birds with one stone. You get to make delicious meals and then give them to the guy you liked! But there was one problem, Austria’s house was huge! There were times where you could get lost in the many corridors for hours! Most of the time you would find someone that worked there and they would direct or take you to more familiar hallways. One of those days is today.

You were walking down a hallway full with portraits and vases, trying to figure out where you had ended up. “Ok, I know that from the entrance, the kitchen is two lefts, a straight, and then a right . . . or maybe it was a left . . .” You stop and look around with confused (e/c) eyes. “Did I even have to go straight?” One more glance around and you knew you were lost. “This can’t be happening again!”

“What’s happening again?” At the sound of a voice that came out of nowhere, you squeaked in surprise. “Are you alright, (y/n)?”

A pair of hands rest on your shoulders and you glance back to see the man you were suppose to be cooking for. “Austria? What are you doing here?” He had a piano sheet music in one hand so you assumed he was practicing nearby.

“I could be asking you the same thing. Shouldn’t you be in the kitchen?” You blush and twirl a strand of your (h/c) hair nervously. Austria looks pointedly at you with his violet eyes that you could stare into for hours. Which you were doing at that exact moment before Austria snapped you out of it. “Well?”

“Oh, um, it’s kind of a funny story really.”

Austria crosses his arms, pushing his glasses that were slipping down, back up. “I’m listening.” You gulp loud enough for him to hear you. Austria sighs and relaxes, uncrossing his arms. “I’m not going to get mad at you, (y/n). I’m just wondering what you’re doing so far away from the kitchen.”

“What?! That really means that I did take a wrong turn somewhere! Gosh Austria your house is just too big, I’m always losing my way somehow.” You grab your head in frustration, messing up your hairstyle you had painstakingly worked on before coming here. “It’d be so much easier if there was a map I could follow!”

Austria chuckles as you spin around in circles, realizing what he was doing he coughs into his hand to hide it from you. He straightens up and gives you a stern look. “For how long have you been cooking here, (y/n)?” You stop spinning and look at him sheepishly.

“For a while now, a couple of months I think.” Austria shakes his head in disbelief.

“And you still don’t know where you’re going? Goodness (y/n), what am I going to do with you?”

You look down at your black heels that you were wearing, completely ashamed. “I’m sorry Austria. I’ll work harder to memorize the way I need to go to get to the kitchen. So just this last time, could you show me the way? Please?” You use puppy dog eyes on him, which work.

“Haaa . . . alright, but this is the last time. Next week you’re going to have to figure this out on your own.” You nod enthusiastically, happy that you could spend a little more time with him. “This way.” He starts off at a fast pace down the hall that you were heading down before you ran into Austria.

“Are you sure this is the way?” You glance up at him, unsure.

Austria glares at you as the two of you walk. “Of course this is the way. This is my home, you know.” You smile and nod, following behind him quietly. At least you’d be able to cook him something delicious soon, oh how wrong you were.
Time Skip

Hours passed since you had run into Austria, and you still weren’t in the kitchen. Instead you were still roaming the halls with Austria continuously telling you that the way you were going was the right way. You would stare at Austria’s head with suspicious (e/c) eyes, if you were going the right way why weren’t you in the kitchen preparing food?

After ending up in another dead end, you forced Austria to stop and look at you. “Tell me the truth, Austria. Do you really know where you’re going? Cause to me it seems like you’re just guessing.”

“Um . . .” It was your turn to look pointedly at him. “No, truthfully I don’t have any idea where we are . . .” You stare at him intensely, seeing if he was lying or not. When you realize he isn’t you fall into a giggling fit. Austria watches you hold your stomach as you laugh harder, completely baffled. “What on earth is so funny?”

You struggle to breathe in between laughs, wiping away tears in your (e/c) eyes. “This is your house, Austria. How can you get lost in your own home? It’s just too funny.” Your laughter echoes throughout the halls and you quickly calm down so as not to look anymore foolish.

“Are you done, (y/n)?” Austria looks at you with an annoyed expression and you feel guilty almost immediately.

“Yes, I’m sorry . . . That was very immature of me.”

Austria signs and softly smiles at you, the sight of it making you smile. “It’s alright. It is rather funny isn’t it?” You giggle.

“Just a bit.” The two of you continue walking down the hall and turn to the right at the end of it. “Hey. Isn’t that the kitchen?” You point towards an oak door a little ways away from where you stand.

Austria follows the direction you’re pointing at. “It is. See I told you we were going to right way, (y/n)!” You roll your eyes at him and smile, brushing back your (h/c) hair from your face.

“Yes, yes, you were right.” You hear a loud grumble come from Austria’s stomach, and giggle at his reddening face. “I guess i should get started on that meal huh?” Austria nods and you walk towards the kitchen door. “I’ll make this the best meal you will ever eat!” But as you take one step, Austria grabs your arm. You look at him in confusion. “Austria?”

His face is still a bright red as he talks quickly. “Getting lost and walking around with you wasn’t so bad. Maybe we could do it again sometime? The walking around, not the getting lost.” You blush at his invitation and agree almost instantly.

“Sure, I wouldn’t mind that at all. I had good time with you.” Then Austria leans in and kisses your cheek, lingering there for a few seconds before pulling away.

“I’ll see you for the meal then.” After saying that, he walks down the hall as fast as he could without looking like he was running. Once you couldn’t see him anymore, you touch the cheek he kissed and smiled. You turn back around and walk into the kitchen, excited for the next week. Maybe getting lost isn’t that bad after all.

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