Monday, May 28, 2012

Switzerland Personal 1

As someone from the BTT, you were one that enjoyed the fun things in life. Sometimes those things weren’t fun for others. For example, teasing your crush Switzerland. You thought his blushing face was adorable so you continued to tease him, but of course he didn’t like that very much. There were times where you got him so pissed off that he took one of his guns and pointed it at you, but he didn’t shoot it. You knew that your teasing was only making the distance between you two farther and that if you continued you’d most likely never be able to confess your feelings. But teasing was your way of showing affection, not everyone sees it that way though.

“Sicily!!!! Get back here!” You giggle as you run away from Germany, who was furious with you. The prank you had just done involved Germany’s daily beer and rubbing alcohol. Let’s just say that he’s going to need to check his beer before drinking it.

After having outrun Germany, you lean against a nearby house and wipe the sweat of your brows. “Whew, that was quite a run. Well Germany does do a lot of training . . . and he’s always running after Italy. No wonder he can run that fast.” You rest a little longer before going out of the shadows to figure out where you had ended up. “Woah, I’m at Switzerland’s house! That’s, as the Prussians would say it, awesome!”

You roam around his home’s front yard, debating with yourself on whether or not to knock on his front door. “If I see him, I’m sure it’ll end badly. It’s always like that . . .” Just as you had decided to return to your own home; the front door of Switzerland’s house slams open.

“Sicily? Is that you?” You blush at the sight of Switzerland walking out onto his front porch in normal clothes instead of his military ones.”It is you, Sicily. What are you doing here?” You look left and right then point at yourself. “Yes you.”

With a sly smile, one that you couldn’t stop from spreading across your face, you answer him. “I was just finishing up a prank on Germany. You should have seen the look on his face! It was hilarious!” You burst out laughing, wiping away tears that came to your eyes.

“I see you’re up to your no good tricks again, Sicily.” Your laughter stops suddenly and you stare at the angry look on his face. “The way you act, you’re not going to win anyone’s favor.” Switzerland slowly walks down the steps and off his porch.

You mumble quietly to yourself. “The only person’s favor I want to win is yours.” Switzerland looks sharply at you.

“What was that? Did you say something?” The blush on your face darkens; embarrassed that he might have heard what you said. But at the same time you were slightly relieved. Maybe he would realize your feelings for him without having to tell him.

But, ignoring what you what you wanted to say, you flip your bangs back out of your face and stick your tongue out at him. “Nothing! Besides, what are you doing out here?”

“I was just heading to my gun shed to clean all the guns and fix one’s that need to be fixed.” With that said, he heads towards the back. “If you don’t need anything from me, you can go ahead and leave.”

As he walks away, you had a sudden need to want to spend more time with him. So, on an impulse, you shouted out. “Wait!” Switzerland stops and turns his face in your direction. “U-um . . . well . . . since I don’t have much to do, I . . . . Could help you out with cleaning the guns and other stuff. It’s just because I’m bored and there isn’t much to do at my house. So don’t go assuming anything!” You look at the ground, face a bright red. Silence falls between you two, you’re positive that Switzerland will say no.

“Alright, you can help. But no playing around, understand?”

Your eyes widen, did he actually say yes? “Are you serious? Or are you just joking with me now?” Switzerland chuckles at you.

“I’m serious. But like I said, if I see you try anything funny with my guns I’m kicking you straight out.” Then he starts walking again, leaving you baffled. When you finally realize that he’s moving away, you quickly catch up to him and hug him from behind.

“Thank you! I’ll do my best to make your guns sparkly clean!” Now it was Switzerland’s turn to stare at you completely surprised. Though, he quickly looks away, a blush forming on his face.

“Whatever, just follow me.” Then he leads you the rest of the way to his gun shed, trying to ignore your attempts at conversation all the way there.
Time Skip

After cleaning Switzerland’s guns for the past 4 hours in almost complete silence, you couldn’t take it anymore. “Switzerland? Why is it that you have your guns all the way out here instead of inside your house?” You stop cleaning the gun in your hands and watch Switzerland repair the trigger of another gun.

“Didn’t I say I wanted to work in silence?” He glances at you for a second before returning to his work.

“Come on! It’s only one question! Can’t you answer this simple measly question for poor, little, me?” You look at him pleadingly.

Switzerland lets out a sign and sets the gun in his hands down. “You’re neither little nor poor, but fine I’ll tell you.” You place the gun in your hands down too and sit up straight, facing him with eyes full of excitement. “You really want to know?”

“Of course! I’ve been curious the entire time I was in here. So go on, you have to tell.”Switzerland grimaces, though it’s ruined by the blush that was making its way on his face.

“It’s because of my sister . . .”


“Yeah . . . I don’t want her to be too close to guns. So I keep them out here away from her.”

You cover your mouth, trying to keep in the laughter that wants to escape. “Sister-complex.”

“What was that?!” Switzerland stands up swiftly and glowers down at you.

“I said you have a sister-complex. You care a lot for your sister, more than I think is necessary.”

Switzerland’s hands scrunch together in fists. “Why you-?” His expression turns scary and you pale. Something catches your attention in the corner of your eye and you gasp, opting to ignore the angry Swiss man in front of you.

“Isn’t that the gun you tried shooting me with?” Switzerland spins towards where you were gesturing to. “I’ve always been curious about this. Why didn’t you shoot me back then? I had made you plenty pissed, probably pissed enough to shoot anybody. So why didn’t you?”

You stare intently at Switzerland, keeping your expression completely serious. He stutters and mumbles. “I-I couldn’t do it.”


“I just couldn’t.”

“That’s not a reason! Why couldn’t you!?” You push Switzerland, trying to get him to tell you. “There has to be a reason and you know it! So tell me!!”

“It’s because I like you, Sicily!!” Switzerland shouts it so loudly that you’re stunned into silence. “There I said it! That’s my reason, I. Love. You!” You stare at him wide eyed and watch his entire face become bright red.

The silence is awkward as you stand up and march up to Switzerland, grabbing his chin and forcing him to look at you. “Did you mean what you just said? That you loved me?”

Switzerland nods, staring at you with strong eyes that told you he wasn’t lying. “I meant every word.” Then you shoved your lips together in a messy kiss, catching him off guard. When you backed out of the kiss, Switzerland takes hold of your hands. “Does this mean you love me back?”

You look up at him and smile. “Of course! I’ve loved you for a long time.” Then you cast your eyes to the ground. “I’m sorry about all the teasing, it was my way of showing that I liked you . . .” His hands raise your face up into another kiss.

“No matter what you say or do, I won’t ever stop loving you.” The two of you smile at one another and share another kiss.

“Same with me. . .”

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