Monday, May 28, 2012

China 1

These days you’ve been spending a lot of time with China at his home. The reason for that being that he was teaching you how to cook Chinese cuisine. You didn’t tell him why you wanted to learn only that you wanted to, since the reason was to surprise him with an amazing meal that you made by yourself. Even today you were at his house, in the kitchen learning how to make fried dumplings.

“No, no, no that’s too much aru. You’re only supposed to use a teaspoon (y/n)!” You glance down at the huge pile of filling you had put in the center of the wrapping.

“Oh I’m sorry China. I was distracted.” China smacks the back of your head with his ladle, not too hard though but hard enough to make your (e/c) eyes start to water.

Your head was beginning to throb profusely due to having been hit by the wok multiple times. It was just China’s teaching style. When you mess up you get a smack. “Well then don’t get distracted (y/n)! Cooking takes a lot of concentration and if you’re getting distracted then your food will end up just like Opiums aru. You wouldn’t want that now would you?” You shudder at the thought of England’s cooking.

“N-no I wouldn’t. I’m really sorry. I’ll pay more attention.”

“Good aru.” The next few minutes were spent in silence, you trying to focus on putting the correct amount of filling the wrapping with China supervising your progress. After having finished folding the wrapping into a perfect dumpling shape, China breaks the silence. “(y/n), what has made you decide to start learning how to cook aru?”

You blush red and stare intensely at the work in front of you while answering him. “W-well, I wanted to surprise the guy I like with a really good meal that I make with my own hands. If he thinks that my food is good then I’ll confess my feelings to him.”

“Oh aru . . .” You glance up from your work when you hear the disappointed response, but China quickly hides his dejected face with a bright smile. “Then I’ll have to try my best to teach you well so that you’ll be able to confess with no worries.” You bow deeply towards China.

“Thank you very much.” You straighten up and smile your happiest smile at him. “This means a lot to me.” Now you’ll definitely be able to tell China your feelings. You continued with your measuring and folding, oblivious to the sad look in China’s eyes.
Time Skip!!

A week went by and China had perfected your Chinese food making skills. You had decided that you would invite him over and prepare the meal before he arrives. You had called him to tell him to come over later in the evening, which meant you only had a couple of hours to start on the food. So, with your (h/c) hair in a loose ponytail, you cooked up the first recipe that you had successfully made while under China’s watch, dumplings.

You used all the secret techniques that China had taught you and concentrated on making this the best food he would ever have. When it was finished, you placed it on the dining table along with two plates and sets of silverware. “This will be perfect!” You giggle and rush off to your room to take a shower get changed into some more presentable clothes since you had gotten flour on yourself while cooking.
Just as you stepped out of your room with your (h/c) hair slightly damp and wearing this, you heard the doorbell ring. “That must be him!”

With the most confident smile you could muster, you skip down the stairs and open the front door. “Hi China! I’m so glad you could come!” He returns your smile with one of his own and steps into your house.

“It made me quite curious why you would invite me over when we had just seen each other this morning aru.” With your (e/c) eyes twinkling, you lead China into the dining room. He gasped when he saw the meal all set out. “Wha-”

“I wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done for me. So I made this entirely by myself.” China deflates a little when you say it was meant as a thank you, but you don’t notice as you sit down across from him. “Come on, I made this all just for you.”

“Thank you aru.” He serves himself some of the dumplings while you pour some tea for the both of you. “This . . . this is amazing (y/n)!” You watch him devour the rest of the dumplings from his plate with a small smile.

“I learnt from the best.” China blushes and swallows the food he had been chewing on. He wipes the edges of his mouth before focusing on you.

“I-is this, what you’ll be making for this man you like aru?” Your face heats up. You have to tell him now!

“W-well yes, but . . . I’ve already made it for the guy I like.” You cast your (e/c) eyes towards your plate, ignoring the uncomfortable heat coming from your entire face.

China doesn’t say anything, which you take to be rejection. Tears start to form in your eyes as you look up at him but stop when you see the expression on his face. China was blushing crazy mad and had his mouth wide open. “I-I . . . y-you . . .?” You burst out laughing and double over the table. “What aru?”

“Your haha face hahaha, it looks so funny!” The tears that had begun to form slide down your cheeks. When your laughs had died down to mere giggles you saw that China was sulking. “I’m sorry China it’s just-” You never got to finish because right then China grabs your chin and pressed your lips together in gentle kiss.

He pulls back after a few seconds, your face must have been redder than a tomatoes. “I like you too (y/n).” Then the two of you kiss again.

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