Monday, May 28, 2012

Germany 1

You lay in bed, having a high fever and a terrible cough, covered only by the thin bed covers. Coughs racked your entire body and you had to sit up to allow them to pass, which made you extremely dizzy. The day before was your birthday so you had been staying up late with your friends having a pool party, which was most likely the cause of you getting sick. You tugged on the blanket so it was up to your chin and curled into yourself, trying to keep warm enough so the shivering would stop.

Someone knocks on your door, but you’re so out of it that you don’t notice until that someone somehow got inside and was knocking on the door to your bedroom. “(y/n)? Are you in here?” The voice sounded familiar though you couldn’t remember who it sounded like.

“Y-yeah . . .” You try to make your voice strong only for it come out weak and scratchy.

The door quietly opens and you hear a sharp intake of breath. “(y/n)!” Opening your eyes a crack, you couldn’t remember when you had closed them; you look up into blue eyes of a very worried German.

“G-Germany? Is that y-you?” You reach out to him and he grabs it mid reach.

“Ja, es ist mir (y/n).” He clutches your hand with one of his and uses the other to brush some of your (h/c) hair out of your face. “Are you alright?” You shake your head, too tired to speak anymore. “What hurts?” With your free hand, you point to your throat and head. Germany glances over your body, noticing the continuous shivers. “I’ll be right back.” Without waiting for your response, he releases your hand and walks out of the room.

You hear his footsteps go down the stairs and wander around the first floor. Why is he here? You try to think up different reasons why he would be here while waiting for him to come back. Too deep in thought, you don’t hear Germany return till you felt something cold on your forehead. “Ah . . . !”

“Don’t worry; it’s just an ice pack. it should help lower your fever.” You nod sluggishly, blushing slightly though it wasn’t very noticeable since your face was already red. “I also brought you another blanket.” More weight was placed on top of you and your shivers calmed down at the added warmth. “Lastly I found some fever medicine in the bathroom downstairs. Do you want to take it now or would you rather rest first?”


Germany sets down a box on the desk close by. “Okay. You get some sleep.” He starts for the door again but you grab his shirt before he could take a step.

“C-could . . . you s-stay here?” You hear him and chuckle and drag a chair over to the side of the bed.

When he’s settled down he begins to stroke your bangs back, the motion making you drowsy. “I’ll be right here when you wake up. So close your eyes and go to sleep.” His gruff voice soothes you and soon enough you drift off into a restful slumber.
Time Skip

After a couple of hours of sleeping, you woke up with a big yawn. Rubbing the left over sleep from your (e/c) eyes, you feel something heavy on your chest. You look down and see Germany laying on you, fast asleep. A few strands of his blonde hair had come loose and were sticking out , you smoothed them back in place. Your coughs have subsided which made your throat less scratchy, but you were parched. There was a glass of water on the table next to you along with a box of fever medication.

Without waking Germany up, you reach for the water. Your fingers brush against the cool glass but aren’t long enough to get a hold of it. You huff quietly and try again, only managing to knock over the glass and spilling water all over the floor. “Dang it!”

The sound of glass shattering wakes Germany and he quickly straightens up. He looks at you, still reaching out, and then at the pieces of glass at the floor. “You could have woken me up if you wanted the glass of water (y/n).” You look glance down sheepishly while he stands up and walks to the mess, kneeling down to pick up the larger pieces of broken glass.

“I’m sorry, you looked so peaceful I didn’t want to disturb you.”

“It’s okay for to disturb me, you’re sick and I’m here to take care of you. By the way; how are you feeling?”

“Much better actually, thank you.” Your voice sounds weak and Germany glances up from the floor to you.

“Want me to go and get you a new glass of water?” You nod with a shy smile. “Alright, wait here.” He gets off the floor and strides out of the room. As soon as he’s gone you let out a sigh, a blush overtaking your face. The question you had before popping back into your mind. Why was Germany here in my house in the first place? You ponder this question for a few seconds before just giving up. Instead you push the two blankets on top of you away and swing your legs off the bed.

Once you were up and standing the dizziness came back with a vengeance. You stumble forwards, head in your hands, squeezing your eyes shut, and not watching where you were going. Soon enough you felt something wet under your feet and open your eyes just in time to see the floor getting closer. You close your eyes and brace yourself for the impact, but it never comes. “Huh?” Quickly opening your eyes, you see two strong arms wrapped around your waist.

“(y/n), didn’t I tell you to wait!? What do you think would have happened if I hadn’t come on time to catch you?!” Germany turns you around so you were face to face with him. “You have to be more careful! I don’t want the girl I like to get hurt!” Your eyes widen at his declaration and Germany’s face goes bright red.

“What did you say?” Germany lets you go and steps back.

“I actually came here today to tell you something (y/n) . . .” You stare at him, waiting. “Ich liebe dich, (y/n). I wanted to tell you last night but I never got the chance to. So I had come over to tell you today but you were sick. Then I just thought it would be better if I waited till you were better-” You throw your arms around his neck and smash your lips together.

“Ich liebe dich auch Germany. Thank you for taking care of me.” You smile at him cheerfully and the two of you continue kissing. Later that week, Germany got sick and you took care of him just like he did for you.

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