Monday, May 28, 2012

Scotland 1

You had a part-time job that many of your friends thought wasn’t good for you, that you could have gotten something better. But you needed the money to help pay for your college classes, so you weren’t very picky. The job was being a daytime bartender at a local bar in town. The pay was pretty high and the owner was nice to you, it seemed like the perfect job at the moment. Except, maybe for one thing.

“Hey! Girl! Get me another round!” You glance up from cleaning one of the dirty mugs to see a man at the end of the counter waving his hand. He looked completely drunk and the gleam in his eyes gave you a bad feeling.

“Sir, I think you’ve had enough drinks for the night. Why don’t you just pay and leave.” You push some of your (h/c) hair behind your ear, refocusing on cleaning.

The drunken man doesn’t make a move for his wallet and instead scoots a few stools closer to where you were. You look up and flinch slightly as he ends up right in front of you, the stench of alcohol in his breathe is powerful. “Girl, you can’t go and refuse to serve someone . . . that’s how you lose customers. Got it?” His bloodshot eyes glare into your (e/c) ones.

“I can if I see that the customer has had too much to drink.” You set the mug you were cleaning down and pick up a new one. “It’s quite clear that you have.” There were always those that would get drunk in the middle of the day, they were pretty hard to deal with. But you’ve handled them before, so it wasn’t anything new.

You hear the sounds of the stool being pushed back and allow a smirk to form on your face. See, all you needed was a little reason and you can get rid of them. All of a sudden your chin is grabbed and pulled forcefully forward. “Give me my alcohol or I’ll resort to violence.” Your eyes widen as the stench of alcohol grows stronger and the man’s face is even closer to yours. The gleam from before, intensified.

Still, you weren’t one for letting customers bossing you around or threatening you for that matter. “Sir, if you let me go now, pay, and walk out the door, I’ll forget what I just heard and won’t call the authorities.” You steeled your (e/c) eyes, showing that you were serious. “Release me.” You expect his grip to disappear, but it only tightens.

“Ohhh~ the authorities, I’m so scared~, yeah right.” Other customers in the bar look at the two of you with interest. Nobody had gone so far as threatening the bartender for alcohol before. You knew that they wouldn’t help you so you refrained from calling out. But there was one man on the farthest end of the counter, with fiery red hair and emerald green eyes, that wasn’t paying attention.

You thought that maybe he would help so you stared at him, trying to send a message through your eyes. But he completely ignored you, continuing to drink the mug of beer set in front of him. Alright; eye signals aren’t working. The drunken man notices he’s lost your attention and shakes your head around, making you feel dizzy.

“Listen when someone’s talking to you!” You glance once more to the red haired man, hoping he would finally get the message. No such luck. The drunken man starts touching your (h/c) hair roughly. “Hehe, actually you don’t look so bad. How bout you give me that drink and I’ll take you somewhere to have some fun?”

You didn’t know what he meant by fun, your friends did call you extremely innocent, but you had a feeling that it wasn’t anything good. “No, let me go!” Customers snickered and you began struggling to get loose. The man just pulls you closer to him, rubbing your thighs.

“Come on. You know you want to.” His touch makes you feel sick, this can’t be happening! You strengthen your struggles and the man has to use both hands to keep you from escaping. “Woah! Stop struggling!”

“Help!” You forgo reasoning and shout out for help. But others only start to laugh, tears gather in your (e/c) eyes. You should have listened to your friends; this must have been what they meant all along.

Then all of a sudden the grip on you disappeared and the drunken man was sailing backwards, crashing into a nearby table. The red haired man stood before you, glaring at the man sprawled on his back. “Will ye just shut up!? I’m tryin’ to have a drink here.” His Scottish accent is strong, so you figure he’s not from around here. He glances at you with his green eyes. “Ye okay lass?” You look at him, stunned, but nod slightly. “Good.” The drunken man stumbles onto his feet and the two of you look at him.

“Who do you think you are, throwing people around like that? Getting in the way?” The red haired man takes out a gun, the drunken man’s and your eyes widen at the sight of it.

“I’m a man who will shoot ye if ye don’t leave right now.” Without another warning needed, the drunken man scrambles out the door. You stare at the red haired man as he puts away his gun. Now that you could get a better look at him, you noticed that he was actually quite handsome. He’s taller then you by a couple of centimeters and also has a single cross earring in one ear. You blush as he glanced at you, embarrassed to be caught staring.

“You know that guy hasn’t paid for his drinks yet, and since you were the one to chase him away . . . you’d normally have to pay for him.” The man looks at you in surprise, making your blush grow darker. “B-but, you did save me. So I’ll let it go and your drinks will be free of charge.”

The man’s expression lights up and he leans over the bar and kisses your cheek. Your hand swiftly goes to the cheek he kissed once he straightens up, face exploding with color.  Thank ye for that. You’re a good lass.” You shake your head dazedly.

“N-no, you saved me. This is the least I could do. I’m (y/n) by the way.” You hold out your hand towards him and he shakes it.

“Scotland.” A buzzing noise comes from his pocket, and Scotland takes out a cell phone. He looks at the caller id and grimaces. “I got to go, work calls. I’ll see ya around?” You nod again. “See ye.”

With that, he left. You stare at the door he left out of, a blush on your face. “Scotland . . .” The bar returns back to normal, as you pick up the glass you were cleaning before. Only this time you couldn’t wait till you met Scotland again. It makes having this job worthwhile, the pay and now a cute guy. Yup, your friends were completely wrong, this job is just right.

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