Sunday, June 10, 2012

Germania 1

Germania was a wonderful husband, sweet and caring. Every attribute a wife would want. He took you out on holidays and would buy flowers from time to time. Every time he did something romantic or love-filled you would blush at how it showed how much he felt for you. Though there’s one downside. Germania isn’t one to talk much; actually he rarely says a word to anyone, including you. Meaning he doesn’t tell you he loves you very often. He’s only said it twice, once when you first got together and the second time being at the wedding. You wish that he would say it more often.
 It was dark and a full moon was high in the sky when you returned home from the meeting with your boss. Looking at the front of your house you noticed that all the lights were off, which you thought strange since Germania should have been home by now. “Maybe he had to stay later at work, or he forgot to tell me he was going to be out tonight.” You walk to the door, debating with yourself on what the reason could be.
The porch boards creak as you step up to the front door and unlock it with the house key. Inside was pitch black, no lights on that you could see of. You set down your bag and take off your coat, letting your (e/c) eyes adjust to the dark before moving through the hall. Everything looked exactly like it did this morning so you assumed that Germania hadn’t returned. But as you walked further down the hall, you see light flooding through a crack in a door leading to the kitchen.
“Germania? Is that you?” There wasn’t a response, so you pushed the door quietly open a crack and peeked through. Setting a plate full of food onto the dining table alongside a glass of wine stood Germania.
He must not have heard you since his back were to the door. An idea pops into your head and you smirk. You gently push the door completely open and tip toe to the unsuspecting German.
Once he was within arm reach, you leap onto his back and wrap your arms around his neck. “I’m home libeling!” You felt Germania stiffen but that was all. He looks to the side, towards your face, and kisses your cheek. That was all you were going to get, and with that knowledge, you slide of him.
Glancing down at the table, all your favorite foods were spread over it including your favorite wine. “What’s all this for? Is there some special occasion happening today?” Germania stares at you with expressionless green eyes, touching your (h/c) hair tenderly.
“It’s a special day.” He finally responds with a gruff voice. You smile and kiss the German, who quickly kisses you back.  
You push away from him after kissing for a while, panting for air. “What’s making this day so special?” The only answer you get is another hot kiss. Germania breaks off the kiss, dropping down to leave bite marks on your neck. You gasp and shiver as he bites down on your sweet spot. “W-wait . . . !” The insistent biting doesn’t stop but slows down enough for you to be able to speak easier. “What a-about the f-food? Ah!”
Germania had slipped his hand under your blouse and was massaging your waist soothingly. “Later.” He kisses you again, biting down on you lower lip. You groan and wrap your legs around his lower torso. Germania wasn’t a weak man so he was easily able to carry you up the stairs to your shared bedroom. Once inside, he sets you onto the bed gently and whispers softly into your ear. “Alles Gute zum Geburstag, (y/n).” Your (e/c) eyes snap open.
“My birthday? It’s today?” Now that you think about it, everyone at work was congratulating you, and there was cake too. But it completely slipped your mind that your birthday was so close.
Germania actually smiles and kisses your cheek then lips. “Ich liebe dich.” Tears spring at the corners of your eyes and you giggle happily.
“Ich liebe dich auch.” He then kisses his way back down to your sweet spot and you close your eyes, now happy and in complete bliss.

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