Monday, May 28, 2012

America Personal 1

America and you have been together for about two years and you’ve loved every day, minute, and second of it. All the fun things that you two have done together, those times have always felt like fairytale to you. You were showered with affection in all ways possible and you reciprocated that with an equal amount of affection back at the American. Though there were some days that you thought you didn’t deserve America, since he was just so good to you. Like how he invited you to go to Disney World, which you’ve been dreaming to go to.

You just placed your luggage down in the resort room that America and you were staying at. “Wow, this is amazing!” The room was beautiful with silk sheets on the bed, a flat screen TV, all the wonders of a fancy room including the beautiful sight out the window. You twirl in circles around the room, giggling like a maniac. “Thank you so much America, for bringing me here!” With one more spin, you run into something sturdy, feeling strong arms wrap around in you in warm cocoon.

“I’m glad that you like it Libby. The hero always has to make sure that the one they love is happy.” America lifts your face and kisses you gently on the lips, slowly turning deeper. “And you are the one the hero loves.” You blush bright red but lean in to the Americans hold, resting your head against his muscular chest. Feeling the rough material of his brown bomber jacket, you sigh in content.

“I love you too.” The two of you stand like that for a little while longer before America lets you go to pick up a map of the amusement park.

He unfolds it and hands it to you, his blue eyes twinkling with excitement behind his glasses. “Since we have time, we have to go on some rides! You can’t come here and not go on at least one roller coaster!” You giggle while looking over the map.

“I’ve never been here before, so I don’t really know what everything’s like. Why don’t you pick?” You give back the map, not caring much about where you go as long as it was with the American.

“Okay! Leave everything to the hero! I’ll make sure that you have the awesomest time of your life HAHAHA!!” America laughs loudly, grabbing your hand and dragging you out of the resort room. You have to jog slightly to keep pace with America’s fast one.

He takes you from the resort to the Magic Kingdom park nearby, starting at Main Street, U.S.A.. Since you had arrived around noon, the place was packed. You tighten your grip on America’s hand, scared that the two of you may accidentally be separated. America squeezes your hand reassuringly. “Don’t worry. I won’t let go of you.” Then he quickly kisses your forehead. “If we do, we’ll meet up at Cinderella’s castle, okay?”

“Okay.” You smile up at him and you two share a sweet kiss before walking through the crowds. People continuously bumped into you, there were multiple times were you almost lost your grip on America’s hand.

“Are you alright Libby?” You nod absently, concentrating on where you were stepping. When the crowds began to thin, you thought that everything would be alright now and lessened the amount of strength you were using to hold on to America’s hand.

But all of a sudden a massive wave of people rounded a corner and headed straight for the two of you. When the first person crashed into you, your hand almost immediately got snatched away from America’s. “America!!!” The crowd consumed you, and wherever you looked you couldn’t find the blonde haired American. “America!!” You tried searching against the flow of people, but it was too strong. After a few minutes of pushing and shoving with plenty of apologies, you manage to escape the sea of bodies.

You glanced around and gasped, nothing was familiar at all. “Alright, calm down. This isn’t as bad as I think it is. America did tell me that if something like this happened then we would meet up at Cinderella’s castle.” You look around your surroundings with a blank expression. “Where exactly is that castle?” Tears began forming in the corner of your eyes; this is a lot worse then what you think.
Time Skip

After hours of searching, you’ll never understand why you didn’t just find a map, you end up at what you think is the center of the park. The sun was beginning to set, casting a golden shine on the large castle in front of you. “Ugh, I’m so tired!” You collapse on a nearby bench, fanning yourself. Lights began turning on, making the roads glow. The huge castle especially, it was glowing a hue of blue. You gaze at it with a sad expression. “Where are you . . . America?”

“Right here.” Arms encircle you, and you feel a warm pair of lips kissing at your neck. “Where have you been, Libby? I told you to meet me here, but when you didn’t come I started to think that you had gotten hurt.” You touch America’s arms and your sad expression from before melted into a warm, happy one.

“I’m sorry, America. The crowd had taken me somewhere I didn’t recognize.” You turn around and face him, seeing small tears in America’s sky blue eyes. “Besides, you never told me what the Cinderella castle was! Remember, I told you I’ve never been here before so I don’t know!”

America looks down sheepishly. “Sorry about that, guess I probably should have told you huh?” You smack him lightly in the chest, but you weren’t mad.

“You think? I missed you.”

“I missed you too.” You both leaned in for a kiss, but a loud shrieking sound stopped you. Fireworks were going off behind the castle, in different shapes and colors. America hugs you from behind and you smile. Everyone close to the castle was watching the fireworks, and you could understand since they were so beautiful. “Libby?”

America’s arms let go of you and you look at him to see what’s wrong. “Hmm?” What you see makes you gasp. There on one knee, holding a little velvet box open to reveal a thin silver band with a rose shaped diamond in the center, and looking straight at you, blushing, is America. “Is this-?”

“Will you marry me Libby? Forever be mine?” Tears run down your cheeks, you couldn’t believe this was happening. “Your answer?” America’s face starts to fall at your silence, thinking that it was rejection.

You struggle to find the words, but finally nod your head. “Yes! Yes, yes, yes!” In an instant America’s grins at you; slipping on the ring on your ring finger. When the ring was on, he quickly pulled you into a hug swinging you around and around.

“Thank you, Libby. You’ve just made me the happiest man in the whole world!” You giggle uncontrollably. The fireworks still go off in the background as you lean towards each other, kissing first gently then harder. America pulls back when the need for air is too strong. Your breaths come out as pants, your face showered in kisses. “I love you so much, Libby.”

“I love you too, America.” And the two of you lived happily ever after, just like a fairytale.

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