Monday, May 28, 2012

Romania 1

There weren’t many things you were afraid of, not spiders, not horror movies, not even Russia scared you. But there was one thing that terrified you the most, the darkness. It wasn’t a fear that grew on you over time; it was one that was caused by a traumatic experience in the past. Not many people knew about this fear of yours, actually only one person knew and that was Romania. He’s your best friend and didn’t want there to be any secrets between the two of you so you had told him. Now whenever there comes a time where your fear overcomes you, you call Romania. He would always come running, just for you.

Today you had woken up from the pelting of rain against your bedroom window, a huge storm outside. It wasn’t that surprising for there to be rain, since it was that time of year, but this must have been the biggest storm so far. Lightning and thunder fought for dominance and at first it had scared the living crap out of you. But you calmed down after a few minutes.

It had been raining throughout the entire day and you were getting bored of staring out into chaos. You turned on all the lights in the living room and gathered your favorite comfy blanket and soft pillows and set them around the couch. Instead of wasting away wondering when the rain would stop, you decided to watch TV. “Oh yeah! There’s a horror movie marathon on today!”

After watching at least two of the most gruesome and disturbing movies ever made, you glance out the window next to the clock, shuddering at seeing pitch blackness. “I won’t be going out there for anything; that would be absolutely terrifying!” You buried yourself deeper in your blanket allowing only your (e/c) eyes to peek out, waiting for the commercials to end and the movie to start.

Just as the title and credits faded away, the power was cut off along with the lights and TV. When the darkness enveloped everything, you let out a girly scream. “AHHHH!!!” Even if you shut your eyes, the darkness was still there, actually closing you eyes was even worse. Images from your past pop inside your head, making you tremble. You fumble around the coffee table in front of the couch as quickly as possible, trying to locate your cell phone.

Your fingers brush against something small and thin and you automatically grab it. You could only see the outline of your cell phone, which was being shaken around by the tremors running through your body. From a lot of experience, you find Romania’s number in record time. Pushing the send button, your phone dials his number.

“Buna ziua?”

“R-r-ro-omania?” Your voice stutters and curse inside your mind at how frightened you sound.

You couldn’t stop the whimper that escapes your mouth, tears pricking at your (e/c) eyes. “(Y/n)?! What’s wrong, draga?”

“T-the p-powers o-out . . .” All of sudden there’s a flash of light and earsplitting thunder, you can’t help letting out a high pitched squeak. “Please . . . c-come over!”

“I’m on my way now! Aşteaptă-mă!” The end tone rings, signaling that he had hung up.

You turn the cell phones flashlight on so that there was some source of light in the room. But it didn’t help much in calming your nerves. Memories still flooded your mind and tears began dripping down your chin. “H-hurry . . .”
Time Skip

You didn’t know exactly how much time had passed, only that it felt like an eternity to you, when loud knocks came from the front door. Your body was trembling so badly that you couldn’t get up let alone make it to the door. After a few more insistent knocking sprees, you heard the door being forcefully opened.

“(Y/n)!? Where are you?!” Romania had finally arrived! Another loud wave of thunder makes you cry out again, giving away your location to him. You hear footsteps make their way through the halls and into the living room. “(Y/n)! Are you alright?”

You peek through the blanket wrapped around you to see Romania rush to your side. “R-romania? I-is that y-you?” He reaches out and winds his arms around you.

“Yeah, it’s me. Don’t be scared, I’m here now.” His hands rub your back soothingly, pulling back the blanket away off your head. (h/c) hair falls over (e/c) eyes and Romania brushes it away. “Come here. I’ll take you to the kitchen, light up some candles, and make you something warm to drink, bine?”

All you could do was nod and allow him to lead you into your kitchen, sitting down in one of the chairs at the dining table. Romania sets three unlit candles in front of you, getting out matches to light them. “T-thanks. F-for coming.” You stare at the now lit candles, watching them dance around and cast shadows across the walls. “Not just t-this time, but for a-all the times before today. . .”

“There’s nothing that could stop me from coming to you if you needed me. When you’re in trouble, I’ll be there for you, întotdeauna.” Romania taps your nose lightly before moving over to the cupboards, opening one and taking out chocolate powder. “How about some hot chocolate? I know it’s your favorite.”

At the mention of your favorite drink, your mouth starts to water. “Yup! I love my hot choco!” The two of you laugh and it almost felt as if you hadn’t almost had a nervous breakdown. While the hot water was boiling, Romania and you chatted about how our days had been going. Soon enough the water was at the perfect temperature and a warm mug of hot chocolate with mini little marshmallows shaped like bats was placed in your hands. “Thank you!”

Romania sits across from you, a similar mug in his hands only without marshmallows. “Looks like you’re sounding more like yourself. That’s good.” You blush slightly, now embarrassed that he had seen you at your weakest once again.

“Hot chocolate works wonders.” You take a quick sip of the sweet drink, melting in the chocolaty taste. “Just what I needed.” Letting out a long sigh, your muscles finally relax.

“I’m glad.” Romania reaches over the table and grasps one of your hands. “I got so worried when you had called me before. You sounded in much more despair then you had been in the times before. Did something happen?”

You grimace, fleeting memories still lingering in your mind, too stubborn to be forgotten. “I . . . remember what had happened in the past. Those memories . . . I try to keep them locked up inside, but they always find a way to haunt me.” Romania’s grip tightens.

“Is there anything I can do?” You shake your head slowly, your (e/c) eyes filled with sadness. “Anything at all?”

“There isn’t. What happened has happened. They will forever be with me . . . even if I want to forget them.”

Tears form in your eyes again, but Romania wipes them away before they fall. “I do know a way that could help.” You stare at him in curiosity.


“By doing this . . .” He leans over the table, brushes your (h/c) hair back, and presses his lips against yours. A blush breaks out on your face, eyes widening in surprise before fluttering shut.

Romania returns to his original position after a few seconds. “W-what was that for?!”

“If we can’t get rid of the bad memories, I’ll just have to give you so many good memories that you won’t be able to think of the bad ones anymore.” Romania smiles at you as he takes hold of your hand. “What I’m trying to say is; Te iubesc.” You gasp, ignoring the fact that the candles were slowly burning out. “I’ll protect you from the dark like a knight in shining armor. So will you be my damsel in distress?”

You giggle at his cheesy words but nod nonetheless. “Of course! You’ve been there for me all this time. I wouldn’t want it to be anybody else.” Then Romania walks around the table, helps you off the chair, and kisses you sweetly. The rest of the night you spent in his arms, never once thinking about the dark but only about the days to come with one another.

Buna ziua = Hello?
draga = dear
Aşteaptă-mă = Wait for me
întotdeauna = always.
Te iubesc = I love you

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