Monday, May 28, 2012

Hong Kong Personal 1

It was a bright Saturday morning and as usual you were over at China’s place for breakfast. You always preferred having his cooking on Saturday’s. Normally when you came over right about then you would always run into Hong Kong. The two of you would have a lengthy conversation, talking about life and gossiping about the other countries. Today, though, was different.

“China! I came for breakfast!” You knock on the front door, ignoring the doorbell. Minutes pass and no one answers. “Hello!? China?” Knocking again, you wait another minute and still don’t get a response. “Hmm, I guess he isn’t here today.”

You turn to leave, feeling slightly dejected. All of a sudden the door slams open and there stands a panting China. “I’m *huff* sorry May. . . I’ve been working in the back and didn’t hear you knock aru.” He backs up and gestures for you to step inside. “Come in aru.”

“It’s no problem at all.” You pass China, bowing slightly at him, and enter his house. It was nice and tidy just like it was last Saturday. The only difference was the amount of paper strewn around the kitchen counters. “What about breakfast?”

China walks passed you, inclining his towards the door leading to the back. “It’s outside aru. Thought a change of surroundings would be nice.” You hum in agreement and follow him to the back. China’s garden was amazing, with varieties of medical herbs and colorful flowers. Upon observing everywhere, you notice something missing.

“China?” He glances at you.

“Yes May aru?”

“Where’s Hong Kong? Doesn’t he arrive here before I do?” You skim the area once more, since he could be hiding somewhere or maybe even blending into the landscape. Hong Kong was much of a ninja at times.

China picks up a cup of tea and hands it to you. “He called earlier in the morning to tell me that he won’t be coming today aru.” Your mood dampens when you hear that Hong Kong wouldn’t be coming, you enjoyed the talks the two of you had.

“Oh . . .”

“Yes, something about being too busy with the preparations for the festival tonight aru.” At the mention of a festival you brighten up.

“A festival!? Really?” China nods, munching on some rice as you sip at your tea, trying to control your excitement. “What time is it at?”

“The festival starts at 5 pm and ends midnight, fireworks are at around 8 aru.” You couldn’t take it and squealed really loudly.

With all your strength you stopped yourself from jumping up and clinging to China. “Will you take me?! Pretty please?! Pretty please, with a cherry on top?!” China’s eyes widen with surprise at your enthusiasm.

“I’m already planning on going aru. I have a stand set up there.” You fist pump the air. “But I probably won’t be able to escort you around the festival since I’ll be too busy.”

“You don’t need to worry. I’m responsible enough to be able to take care of myself.”

China sighs but gently smiles at you. “Alright then May. I trust that you’ll keep yourself out of trouble aru?”

“Come on, I’m not one to look for trouble China.” He rolls his eyes at me. “Really!”

“Right aru, just eat your breakfast May. I have to get back to my own preparations for the festivals soon enough.”

You huff. “Fine . . .”
Time Skip

You walk out of your house around 6:30 in your favorite kimono. When you step off your front porch you hear a familiar voice. “You’re heading to the festival right?” Your heart jumps into your throat as Hong Kong materializes out of thin air.

“God, Hong Kong. You scared me!” You place your hand over your beating heart, trying to calm it. “Please don’t do that again.”

Hong Kong moves to your side quickly. “I’m sorry. Teacher told me that you would be going to festival alone and I got worried.”

“Why? It’s not like I’m going to be getting myself into fights or anything.” Hong Kong rolls his eyes much the same as how China did. “Why do the both of you think I’ll fall into some dilemma all alone?!”

Hong Kong chuckles and guides you down the sidewalk in the direction of the festival. “We know you May. But you’re a good girl and we also know that you don’t get into those fights intentionally.”

“You got that right! All those fights back then were obviously not my fault!”

“Whatever you say.” You glare at him, crossing your arms in front of your chest and pouting. The two of you walk the rest of the way to festival in silence, with you pouting the entire time.

But one look at all the food and games in the different booths, you quickly lost your pout. “Woooow!! This is amazing!” Hong Kong doesn’t say anything, when you turn around though you see him watching you with an amused smirk. “What?”

“Nothing.” You give him a small pout which promptly turns into a big grin.

“Come on, we have to try those games over there.”

For the next hour and a half you drag Hong Kong with you to different booths, eating foods and playing games. You were having the time of your life. When the clock struck 8, Hong Kong took you to nearly empty bridge a little distance away from the crowd. You lean against the railing and look up into the darkening sky.

Your curiosity got the better of you. “What are we doing here Hong Kong?”

“You’ll see in a few minutes.”

“Awww; not with the mysterious surprise thing again.” You jut your bottom lip out in a cute puppy dog face.

“It’s meant to be a surprise, if I told you, it would ruin everything.”

So the two of you waited, on the bridge for who knows how long. You were just about to ask how much longer it would be when the sky lit up in colors. First greens, than yellows, reds, pinks, all the colors of the rainbow and more. “A-amazing. Is this-”

“Not yet.” You glance at Hong Kong then back at the sky, watching the fireworks disperse. When you thought you had seen the last firework go off, you turned back to him. He points back up to sky. “Now.”

The sky lights up one final time with the largest firework heart you have ever seen. And in the middle of that heart was one name, May. You look up at Hong Kong, confusion clear in your eyes. “Was that-?”

“I’ve loved you for a long time, May. Will you go out with me?” You gasp and cover your mouth with one hand. “Well?”

You frantically nod. “Yes!” And with that, Hong Kong swoops in with his ninja like skills and kisses you. The rest of the night was like a dream, but you knew that it was actually reality.

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