Monday, May 28, 2012

France 1

The night was young and the stars were beautiful as you stood at the tip of the Eiffel tower. Amazingly it wasn’t crowded or anything, in fact it only had to people other than you on it. You had the perfect view of Paris. A few moments later you heard yelling from the other side of the tower.

“GET OFF OF ME YOU STUPID FROG FACE! I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU TRIED TO DO THAT! GET YOUR BLOODY ARS OFF OF ME!” You  turn and walk away from the railing to the other side of the tower.

“England! I only needed advice you fool! I wasn’t doing anything to you!” You heard a French men yell. When you got around the corner you saw. France and Britain arguing like kids over a toy.

“What are you morons arguing about now?” You yelled at the too of them. They looked at you and surprise.

“He was doing what france normally does!” Said Britain pointing his finger at france.

“No I wasn’t! i just wanted some advice!” Pleaded France. “I wasn’t going to hurt you england I just wanted to talk to you!”

“Well you can bloody forget it you bloody frog face! I’m going home!” Yelled the the angry british man. He then continued to curse under his breath then take the elevator down. Now it was just you and France.

“Soooooo. France, um haven’t seen you in a while.” You say awkwardly not sure what else to do.

He chuckles uncomfortably and stares at his feet. “Oui it has indeed be a while.”

“You wanna come look at the view with me?” You ask with a bit more confidence then smile kindly.

“I would love to my chérie.” He straitens up and you two walk to original side of the marvelous tower you were on. Out your arms on the railing and look over.

“Paris is very beautiful.” You say to france. You look over at him and realize how strange he is acting. “France are you alright? You seem to be acting strange.”

He shifts on his feet clearly feeling awkward. “No I’m not. Its just for a while now I’ve had very strong feelings for you. it almost feels like amour...” He said looking into your eyes. He then proceeded to inch closer and closer to you. You smiled happily.

“Idem.” You whisper right before he kisses you. This kiss was short and brief but it was wonderful. After a few moments you brook away from france. When you did you looked into his eyes and blushed. He smiled right back at you then took your hand into his.

“I would really like to do this again sometime Mademoiselle. I could cook you dinner?” He said.

“That would bee the most wonderful thing in the world.”You replied. He then took your hand and walked down to elevator. When you arrived home that evening he kissed you on the front porch. You were very surprised he didn’t ask to come in side. “France?” You asked following him down from the porch as he walked away.

“Yes?” He said turning around and looking at you.

“Why do you treat me different then other people?”

He smiled and looked into your eyes again. “Because you are a delicate rose that need to be treated with utter most respect and love.”You blushed then pecked him on the cheek and went back up the stairs into your house. It has been an absolute wonderful night.

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