Monday, May 28, 2012

Poland 1

You have always loved cute clothes, not only wearing them but making them as well. That’s why when you first met Poland the two of you really hit it off. Though for you it was more like love at first sight. But those feelings are buried deep inside your heart. Now you spend most days with Poland designing new outfits and sewing them, and you’re happy with that.

“Hey. Poland?” You glance up from the black dress you were sewing momentarily to peek at the blonde haired country across the room. He was hunched over a piece, scribbling furiously all over it.

“Like what’s up (y/n)?”

“You’re working pretty hard over there, is it a new design?”Poland merely nods, too into drawing to answer properly. Curiosity peaks in your mind; he has never worked THIS hard on a single design before. You gently set your work down, making sure the thread won’t get tangled up, and walk over to where Poland was sitting. “Can I see it?”

As quick as the lightning, Poland covers the paper with a nearby notebook. “Nie!” Your expression takes that of a dejected puppy, having been refused a treat. Your (e/c) eyes stare at him with a sad tint in them, intending to convince him to show him the drawing with your charm. A blush crept onto his face, which causes you to become even more curious. “L-like, I totally want this to be a surprise. So, no peeking.”

You pout but return to your work, flipping your (h/c) hair in a manner that stated you were mad at him. “Fine.”

“Please (y/n). Like don’t be mad. This is a really important project, and I totally want to do this all by myself.” You huff and shake your head, slightly confused as to why all of sudden he would want to do something by himself. Generally you two would work on everything together.

“I said its fine, Poland. Now get back to that design or you’ll never get it done.” With that said, you try to focus on your sewing but your mind kept wandering back to the design. Why is it so important to Poland? Oh maybe it’s for the girl he likes, a present maybe.

“Alright . . .”

The rest of the day was spent with Poland working on his design and you sulking while in deep thought. Whenever you passed Poland to retrieve something you needed or put it away, he would quickly shove something over the paper to hide what was on it. You tried not to let it get to you, but you were hurt that he wouldn’t trust you enough to show you what he was working on.
Time Skip

A couple days went by where Poland would just sit down and work on that design, and of course he wouldn’t let you see it! Then after that he had asked you to take a small vacation, probably so he could create whatever he had designed. Though you were extremely curious on what it was and why Poland would never show you, his actions really hurt you inside. Fashion designing with Poland was your life what else were you supposed to do with your time?!

The moment your supposed ‘vacation’ ended, you decided to visit the Poland’s home since that was where the two of you normally go when designing clothes. The exterior of his house was like any other house, plain and normal, besides it being the color pink. But you knew that the inside was a completely different story. Furnished with designer everything, and placed in the most creative ways. You didn’t care much that it was designer brands but the way he designed it was astonishing.

You knock on his front door, glancing to the left and right to see if there’s any sign that would tell you if he was home or not. After a minute or so the door slowly opens uncovering a very tired looking Poland. “Cześć . . .?”

“Hey, I’m back from my vacation that you so forcibly made me go on.” Upon hearing your voice, Poland slaps himself awake. You giggle at his antics of keeping awake as he gestures you inside his home, almost forgetting the reason you had that vacation.

He smiles at you as he helps you take off your coat. “(y/n)! This is, like, totally awesome! You’re right on time to see my masterpiece!” Your (e/c) eyes widen in surprise, he was finally going to show you what this secret surprise is.

“Really? Like, really really?!” You start jumping up and down, clapping your hands together, (h/c) hair falling over your face.

Poland laughs and waves towards you, meaning that you should follow him. “Like, of course!” The two of you head to the stairs leading to the work room. “I worked all night, finishing the last touches on it so it would be totally complete when you came.” A blush works its way across your face and you quickly hide it.

“T-thank you.” Poland opens the workrooms door slowly, keeping his green eyes trained on you.

He walks into the room with you following close behind. “There.” Your eyes follow Poland’s pointing and see the most gorgeous dress you have ever seen. It was in your two favorite colors, and would probably go down to your knees by the looks of it. No sleeves meaning it was a strapless dress, tight around the waist but flowed easily around it at the bottom.

“Wha- this is . . . beautiful . . .” You couldn’t find any other words to describe, it really was beautiful. But when you realized that this dress would be worn by the person Poland liked, your mood dampened. “I’m sure that whoever this is for will love it . . .”

You feel someone hold onto your hand and glance up to stare at Poland’s warm smile. “This is for you, (y/n). Wszystkiego najlepszego!” He pecks both your cheeks, a small blush on his face. You gasp as realization hits you.

“OMG!!! My birthday’s tomorrow!” Poland looks at you in surprise then bursts out in laughter. “What?!”

“(y/n), how could you like forget your own birthday?”

You turn away from him and pout. “I had a lot on my mind so of course I would forget!” Poland taps your nose lightly and chuckles.

“Like what?”

Realizing what you had said, your face heats up. “U-um, well . . . I was thinking that maybe the design you were working on would be for the girl you liked. That kind of worried me I guess, since we usually work on designs together.” You peek at Poland and notice his face a bright red. “What?”

“T-that is like t-totally right! This is for the girl I like. You.” When his words sink in your face must have turned the same shade as Poland’s.

“A-are you serious?” He nods. Your (e/c) eyes brighten with happiness. “YES!!” You glomp suddenly, squeezing him tightly “I’ve always like you too!!”

Poland takes a few steps back, surprised at your sudden closeness. He wraps his arms around you and whispers in your ear. “Kocham cię.” You blush but kiss him softly on the lips.

“I love you too.”
Nie = no!
Cześć= hello?
Wszystkiego najlepszego = Happy Birthday
Kocham cię = I love you

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