Monday, May 28, 2012

Prussia 1

You had thought that today was all a dream; you just couldn’t believe what was happening. The self proclaimed awesome Prussia had invited you to help him with some shopping. When he had come up to you and asked you to come, you thought he was just kidding at first. But he had told you he was completely serious. You asked him what they were going shopping for he told you he needed help picking out a present for Gilbird. Generally you really liked Gilbird, and his owner which was a secret, so you agreed.

So here you are now, waiting for Prussia to come pick you up. You had your (h/c) hair curled and were wearing your favorite shorts and t-shirt since the weather was pretty warm. Your TV. was on and playing some random reality show, but you weren’t paying attention. Instead you kept glancing at clock, your frown deepening every time a minute passed.

“He’s late . . .” You grumble out, you weren’t really mad just sad that he might have stood you up before the two of you had even gone out. Just when you were about to turn off the TV and go to your room and sulk, you heard honking come from outside. You rush to the window and spot Prussia’s red Audi Locus. “Finally!” Without looking at the screen, you turn the TV off, speed through the front door, locking it, and running to Prussia’s car. “You’re late idiot!”

You slide into the passenger seat and buckle up. “I’m not late; I’m too awesome to be late.” He puts in the car in reverse, drives out of your driveway, then into drive. “5 minutes isn’t late. That’s being on time.”

“For you it is, for me it’s be late.” You huff and stare out the window.

Prussia glances at you from the corner of his eye and sighs. “Come one (y/n)! You said you would help me pick out a gift for the awesome Gilbird! It won’t work out if you’re all angry.”

“I’m not mad, nope not at all. Maybe a little disappointed but not mad.” You shake your head to help emphasize your point.

“No, you’re mad. I can tell because West always gets mad at me.” You gape at him in utter disbelief. Prussia looks at you then back at the road. “What?”

“Prussia, I really don’t think that’s anything to be proud of.” He opens his mouth to respond, but you cut him off. “Anyway, back to what we came out here for. Do you have any idea what you want to get Gilbird?”

Prussia looks out you in confusion. “No, that’s why I allowed you to come with the awesome me. So you can help me get a present.” Your eye twitches and you face palm.

“I’m here to help you, not do all the work-”

“Oh look we’re here!” Prussia parks the car and jumps out, leaving you behind. You take a deep breath and reach towards the handle of your door. As you touch it the car door swings open. “Come on (y/n)! The awesome me doesn’t have all day!” You stare at the hand held out in front of you in surprise. “Alright then.”

Prussia starts to retract his hand but you grasp it before he could pull it all the way back. With his help you get out of the car. “Thank you. That was actually kind of . . . gentlemanly of you.”

“Kesesese, I’m so awesome I can surprise (y/n)!” He glances down and then quickly looked away, blushing bright red. You give him a questioning look, confused as to why he’s turning red. “It’s nothing!” He grips your hand tighter, making you realize that you two were still holding hands, and pulls you along. “Let’s go! We have shops to search and not enough of my awesome time to be playing around!” You roll your eyes at him but smile nonetheless.
Time Skip

Hours of shopping went by and no matter where the two of you looked, Prussia would never completely agree on something. Every item you picked out was either not awesome enough or just wasn’t for Gilbird. After having done this for 4 hours you were just about ready to give up. But Prussia kept on dragging you to the next store, completely ignoring you whines and complaints.

“Prussia pick something already! There has to be something to your liking!” You had convinced him to stop for a quick break and you ended up watching young children play in a nearby fountain.

Prussia snorts and waves his hand in front of your face. “Helllooo have you seen those things you chose. They were obviously not awesome enough for Gilbird kesesesese.” You stay quiet, refraining from saying anything that could trigger another, what is awesome and what isn’t speech. So, the two sit on a bench quietly, not speaking a single word to each other.

The silence was awkward and peaceful at the same time, but Prussia couldn’t take it. He quickly stands up, surprising you, and starts sprinting off in a random direction. “What are you doing?!”

“Wait right there, the awesome me will be back soon.” With that you’re left alone, on a bench, being abandoned on what you at first thought was a sort of date. Your drop your head into your hands and let a long sigh. How could this day have gotten so bad? Well it wasn’t that bad; you were able to spend most of the day with Prussia.

You waited there for about half an hour before standing up and brushing yourself off. “Okay this is enough. If he didn’t want to spend any more time with me he could have just told me instead of leaving me here.” You start walking in what you thought was the direction to your house, only to be stopped by someone calling your name.

“(y/n)! Wait! Don’t go!!” You look in the direction of the voice and smile when you see Prussia running from the sunset towards you. He halts in front of you, panting with his hands resting on his knees. “I . . . got . . . this . . . for you.” In his hand is small black velvet box.

You take it in your hands and open it, gasping at its contents. “This . . . this is beautiful.” Inside was silver chained necklace with a small silver heart as a charm. “I thought you had just left me because you didn’t want to spend any more time with me.” Tears prickle in your (e/c) eyes. You feel arms wrap around you and pull you to Prussia.

“I would never leave you because of something like that. That would be so not awesome.” You smile at him and he blushes. “Besides I wanted to spend today with you.”

“Because you needed help picking Gilbirds present right?” Prussia shakes his which makes you confused.

“No, Gilbirds birthday was a couple of weeks ago. I lied to you so I could spend the most of the day with you.”

You look down at the necklace then back up at Prussia. “Then this is-”

“A present from the awesome me to you kesesese.” He grins widely and you giggle.


This question catches him off guard and he glances down at the ground. “Well . . . it’s because . . . because. . .” He grabs the back of your head and pushes you lips against his. “Ich liebe dich. That’s why.” You giggle even more when the two of you separate. “So will you be my girlfriend?”

You beam up at him. “Of course I will.” Then you hug him tightly around the neck. “I’ve always liked, since forever ago. This makes me so happy!” Prussia gently caresses your cheek and leans in to kiss you again. “Best day ever.” You whisper.


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