Monday, May 28, 2012

Latvia Personal 1

When you went over to Russia’s house one day, you met a country that lived in his home and worked for him. Latvia. He was always stuttering when talking and when Russia came into the room he would start trembling really badly. You thought that he was really cute and would always help Latvia when you saw Russia bullying him. Whenever you did help him, he would always say thank you with small tears in his eye blue and a blush. It had to be the most adorable sight ever. Another one of these situations was happening right now.

“Hey, Russia!” The Russian turns away from small Latvia, who he had been pushing down on with extreme force. “Leave. Latvia. Alone. Ok?”

Russia looks at you, his famous dark aura appearing, and you stare right back at him with an unflinching gaze. After a few minutes of this staring contest, he lets Latvia go. “Da. . .”

You smile at him brightly. “Good boy.” Russia returns the smile with his own childish yet creepy one, and walks out of the room. Latvia sniffles and his trembling calms down. “Are you alright Latvia? I’m sorry that I didn’t come quicker.”

“N-no, I’m g-glad that y-you c-came Raine. T-thank y-you.” Your smile grows even wider and you ruffle Latvia’s blonde hair.

“No problem! You shouldn’t let Russia bully you that easily though. You’ve got to stand up for yourself.” Latvia shifts his eyes to the ground, avoiding making eye contact, and you sigh. “Anyway, I can’t stay for much longer; I’m meeting up with my boss in an hour.”

You start heading for the door but stop when you feel something tugging at your t-shirt. Glancing down, you see Latvia holding on to the edge of it, still looking at the floor. “U-um, R-Raine. C-could you go out with me tonight? Only if y-you’re free that is.” You watch the blush on his face grow darker and giggle quietly.

“I’m free, what did you have in mind?” Latvia lets out a sigh of relief and finally looks at you in the eyes.

“I wanted to t-take you out, to thank y-you for all the times you’ve saved me.” You notice his stuttering disappearing and grin.

When his words finally sink in, your face heats up. “Y-yeah! Okay!” Latvia’s face brightens up tenfold, becoming so much happier than you have ever seen before.

“Really? T-then I’ll pick up um is around 7 alright?” You nod. “7 i-it is.” He releases your shirt and backs away a few steps. “I-I’ll see you then Raine.”

“Yup!” You walk towards the door, stop, think for a second, and turn back around. Latvia looks at you in confusion. “Forgot to do something.” You step in front of him and kiss his cheek lightly. Your face turns bright red as you lean backwards.

Latvia’s face is a mirror image of yours. “W-wha-?”

You retreat to the door, but before you slip through you wink at Latvia. “I like you, it’s that simple.” And with that, you’re out the door. Giggling like a maniac, blushing just as much, but glad that you said what you did.

Back inside, Latvia touches the cheek you kissed, feeling the heat radiate from it. “ Man patīk tevi pārāk, Raine.” He stares at the door you had exited from. “I-I’ll tell her that tonight.”

Man patīk tevi pārāk = I like you too

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