Monday, May 28, 2012

Italy 1

You’ve been dating Italy for about half a year now and the two of you were still as lovey-dovey as you were when you first started going out. The two of you have never gotten into any serious arguments, if any at all, and you spent time with each other whenever you could. But with Italy being a country and all, his work load only increases. There were times when you wouldn’t be able to see each other for weeks. Of course you know his job is important so you never say anything. You thought as long as it didn’t get in the way of the time you were allowed with the Italian then you were okay. Of course nothing was that simple.

You were out with Italy one winter night, enjoying the view of the stars and moon. “This is beautiful Italy.” You gaze at him lovingly and smile.

“Not as beautiful as you, (y/n).” He glomps you and you blush red. “Nothing is more beautiful than il mio amore ve~!” Italy pecks your cheek and intertwines your hands. “Let’s go ve~!” The two of walk around a park close by from the Italians house, stopping at a bench to sit down.

You glance at Italy then at the night sky, leaning into his side and resting your head on his shoulder. “Thank you for taking me out for Italian tonight. I really enjoyed it.” You feel completely at peace when starts stroking your (h/c) hair.

“I’m happy that you’re happy ve~.” You straighten up and look straight at Italy, closing your eyes expecting him to kiss you. But the ringing of his phone interrupts you two. You open your eyes to see Italy reaching into his pocket for his phone and pout. “Scusa (y/n).” He stands up and walks to the lamppost a ways away from you.

This was just what you didn’t want to happen. Having work get in the way of the time meant to be spent with each other. You glance up and watch Italy slowly make his way back to you, a smile on his face that looks forced. “Italy?”

“That was my boss ve . . . he said that I needed to come in right away. . .” He sits back down and hugs your shoulders tightly. “Mi dispiace (y/n), but I need to go.”

Tears gather at the corner of your (e/c) eyes as you clutch Italy’s coat. “Don’t go.”

“(y/n), I’m really sorry, but he said it was important.” The tears fall down your cheeks silently and you move to wipe them away but Italy beats you to it. “Don’t cry, per favore. Smile for me.” He taps your lips. “I love your smile ve~.”

With as much cheer as you had in you at that moment, you smile at Italy, tears still streaming down. “Come back as fast as possible, alright? I miss you when you’re gone.” Italy beams at you.

“Si! But you have to look after Mr. Kitty while I’m gone ve~.” You nod and wipe at your tears. “Grazie!” Then Italy leans in and gives you the kiss that you had been wanting. “Come on, I’ll take you home ve~.” The two of you get off the bench and, with one of Italy’s arms wrapped around your waist, walk back to your home.
Time Skip

Two weeks passed without Italy. You did still keep in touch with him by phone calls and video chats, but it wasn’t enough. No matter how long you talked with him on the phone, you would give anything to be able to touch him, kiss him, and spend time with him. One day you went over to Italy’s house to feed Mr. Kitty, since Italy had asked you to. When you reach the front door you take out the spare key that was given to you and unlock the door.

Upon entering the house, you call out the cat. “Mr. Kitty!” You look around, not seeing the small gray cat. “Where are you?” When the cat still doesn’t pop up you start to worry. What if something had happened to him? You step forward slightly and glance into different hallways. Just as you’re about to walk back to the door, you hear a quiet meow. “Mr. Kitty?” Another low meow. You walk down the hall to the left and spot Mr. Kitty sitting in front of the kitchen door. “What are you doing waiting there?” You stride towards him, scoop him up into your arms and open the kitchen door. “I know you’re hungr-”

“(y/n)!” Tears start rolling down your face, splashing onto Mr. Kitty who squirms in your arms. “I’m back ve~!” You set Mr. Kitty on the counter and leap into Italy’s open arms. “I missed you (y/n).”

You were too surprised to say anything, so you continued to bawl into his jacket. Italy held you close, stroking your (h/c) hair and whispering calming words into your ear till your tears stopped. “I missed you more. . . Italy . . . welcome home.” You nuzzled further into his jacket, breathing in his scent.

“Thank you for taking care of Mr. Kitty ve~, I made some pasta just for you.” You wiped a stray tear and smiled.

“Pasta sounds nice.”

Italy ve’d really loudly and turned back to the stove. “Ok, go sit over there I’ll bring that pasta to you.” You sat down at the counter table, petting Mr. Kitty laying on it. With Italy back, you felt happier than ever. “Here you are, my homemade pasta ve~.” He sets down a plate of pasta covered in tomato sauce in front of you. “Enjoy~.”

You eat the pasta while Italy tells you all about his trip. When you had finished, he took your plate and placed it in the sink. “That was the best pasta I have ever had, Italy.” He smiles at you before moving in front of you, touching your hair softly. “Italy?”

“(y/n). . .” His fingers trail down your chin then your neck, stopping at your collarbone. You shiver from the sensation. He leans forward and whispers in your ear. “I really did miss you.” He kisses your ear, then your cheeks, nose, eyelids, and finally your lips. “Ti amo.”

You brush your fingers through his auburn, careful to avoid his curl. You’ve already learned your lesson the hard way on what happens when you touch the curl. He kisses you once, twice, so many times that you start getting dizzy. Before he could kiss you again you push him lightly away. “A quick break.” Italy giggles and starts kissing your neck. “Hey that tickles!” He bites down hard enough to leave a mark and make you gasp. “Not here!”

Italy backs up and picks you up wedding style, heading for the door. He nuzzles your hair and you blush. “I’m glad to be back.”

“So am I.” Italy then takes you out of the kitchen and into his master bedroom. The rest is up to your imagination.

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