Monday, May 28, 2012

Romano 1

Took some time, but here you are Melissa this one's dedicated to you! Hope you like it!!!

You owned a small little vegetable shop on the corner of a street. You didn’t earn that much money, but were happy. Every day at the exact same time, a man with auburn colored hair with a single curl sticking up and amber eyes would come and buy a couple of your tomatoes. He was a man that swore, a lot, you’ve always thought he was kind of cute anyway though. But the two of you had never had an actual conversation besides the regular one when he comes up to pay for his tomatoes. You had wished hard that one day you would be able to talk to him without the customer/store owner situation.

The next day you waited for the man to come by again, which he did. When he came up to pay for his items you tried starting up a conversation. “You know, I’ve noticed that you always buy your tomatoes from here. Do you really like them that much?” The man blushes lightly and coughs into his hand.

“Yeah, the tomatoes you have are pretty good. Better than what most stores have.” You giggle and hold your hand out to him. Some strands of your (h/c) hair fall across your face and you push them back with a huff.

“I’m (y/n). But you probably already know that huh.”

The man smiles, his curl bouncing up and down as he shakes your hand. “Romano. Funny how I’ve been coming here for so long and you didn’t even know my name.”

“Well I know now!” The two of you share laughs and Romano pays for his tomatoes. “Hold on.” You pull out a slip of paper and write your number on it, handing it to him along with an extra tomato. “It’d be nice if we could meet up outside of the shop sometime. Give me call whenever you feel like it.”

Romano looks at the paper and takes it. “Okay. A date with a pretty girl like you, I’d drop everything and anything to go.” He gives you a flirtatious smile and starts heading for the door. “Ciao!” You watch him walk out the door and down the street.

When you can’t see him anymore and you know no one’s looking; you squeal really loudly and jump around the shop. You finally got to have a normal conversation with him! And you even know his name now! “Romano . . .” You test the name on your lips and smile brightly, it fit perfect. Your phone vibrated on the counter, signaling you had gotten a text. Opening it up, your smile widens even further when you read its content.

Are you free tomorrow afternoon? I could take you out somewhere. -Romano

You blush and quickly reply back with simple yes, so as not to seem too desperate. But you were ecstatic, you got a conversation started with Romano and now you have a date with him! You around your shop and think, it wouldn’t be that bad if you closed early tomorrow. With a happy attitude you continue working while having thoughts on what the next day would bring.
Time Skip

The next day had come quickly and now you were waiting in front of your closed shop for Romano. You had your (h/c) hanging loose and a red summer dress on. In one hand was a matching purse, in the other you grasp the juiciest tomato from your store. The sun was out and there wasn’t a single cloud in sight, the weather was just screaming ‘good day’.

“(y/n)!” You take your sunglasses off, peering down the sidewalk you watch Romano come walking up. “Come stai?” He holds your hand with the purse and kisses the knuckles, your face heating up and it wasn’t just from the sun.

“I’m doing well thank you. Here, for you.” You give him the tomato, having to tilt your head up to see him properly since he was slightly taller than you.

Romano glances down at the tomato and blushes. “Thank you . . . (y/n).”

“No problem.” With greetings done, the two of you start down the road. Romano eats your tomato and you smile at his satisfied expression. “Good?”

“Yeah. Your tomatoes taste just as good as the ones I grow back home-” You look at Romano sharply.

“What?” Romano’s face turns as red as the tomato he had just eaten.

“Oh chigi . . .”

You pull him to a stop and make him look into your (e/c) eyes. “What do you mean the tomatoes you grow back home? Have you been buying tomatoes from me even though you didn’t have too?” Your expression turned serious.

“Si . . .” You release his face but Romano quickly snatches your hand. “I only did this because I wanted to see you! Even though we never talked much, just seeing your face each day was enough for me!” Your (e/c) eyes widen as he traces your cheekbones with a feather light touch. “Ti amo. . . (y/n)” He brushes your lips together before deepening the kiss. The two of you stand in middle of sidewalk in an embrace, ignoring the bystanders walking past. When you start feeling light headed Romano backs away, but kept his face close to yours. “Vuoi essere il mio?”

You chuckle and smile gently at him. “Si!” He grins and kisses you once again. After a second he sweeps you off your feet and swings you around, making you giggle like little girl.”Let me go Romano!” You squeak when Romano doesn’t let you go but instead starts kissing you all over your face.

“I’ll never let you go, capito?”

“Capito.” This time you initiate the kiss, a sweet and simple one. Yup, you were definitely happy.

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