Monday, May 28, 2012

Japan 1

There was one thing in Japan’s house that always intrigued you, his katana. You’ve seen him use it a couple of times and he always looked so graceful, so you wanted to try it out. But the chance to ask Japan if you could never came up. He was either busy with work or out with the Germany and Italy. You were his girlfriend; shouldn’t he be spending time with you? One Saturday morning, when you knew Japan didn’t have work, or any plans for that matter, you decided to talk to Japan.

The two of you were eating breakfast when you suddenly asked. “Japan? Do you really love me?” The Japanese man glanced up from his rice, brown eyes portraying surprise.


You take a bite of fish and swallow before answering, (e/c) eyes shifting from the table to Japan. “Well, you’re normally busy with work, and I completely understand that, but when you aren’t you always hang out with your friends.” Japan sets his chopsticks down and gives you his full attention.

“What does that have to do with whether I love you, (y/n)-san?” Pochi, Japan’s dog, struts up to you and rubs against your leg.

Smiling, you pick him up from the ground and hold him in your lap. “It’s just; I’m your girlfriend aren’t I? So shouldn’t WE be spending time together?” You fiddle with the pin holding your (h/c) hair up. “I can’t remember the last time we had a day just to the two of us.”

Japan looks at you, slightly uncomfortable. “Sumimasen. I didn’t know.” You shake your head sadly.

“It’s alright. I get it if you’re busy and all, but is it possible to give me a little of your time today?” Japan puts on a thoughtful expression, sweeping his black hair back. You pet Pochi absently, waiting expectantly for his reply.

“I do not have work today, nor did I make plans with anyone. Hai, my time is yours for the day.” He smiles gently at you, the sight of it takes your breath away.

When finally realizing that he had said yes, you leap over the table, Pochi having jumped away in time, and glomp the Japanese man. “Thank you! Gosh, you don’t know how much this means to me!” You nuzzle his face, giggling at the way he blushes at the contact.

“U-umm, (y/n)-san, please let me go.” You do so reluctantly. “Arigato.” His cheeks are still tinted pink from the hug you gave him, even though you had let go. “What is it that you want to do today?”

Your expression lights up and you grin widely. “I’m so glad that you asked!” Japan looks at you suspiciously. “You know your katana?” He nods slowly. “I want to try it out myself.” Japan’s expression turns from suspicious to puzzlement.

“You want to do what?” His brown eyes cloud up with confusion. “Why would you want to try out my katana?

You blush as you answer him. “Whenever . . . you use it, you look so graceful. I’ve always wanted to try it out.” The blush on Japan that had disappeared moments before came back full force once you had said that.

“I-I’m not that graceful, besides it takes years to master the katana. One time isn’t good enough.” You pout, crossing your arms in front of your chest. Japan takes one look at your position and then lets out a resigned sigh. “But, I will let you try it out if you want to so much.”

Your pout quickly transforms into a smile and you hug him once again. “Thank you, Japan! You really do love me!”

“O-of course! You are the only one that I would allow to touch my katana.” You giggle and kiss Japan’s cheek, making his blush grow redder. “W-what are y-you doing (y/n)-san?!”

“I’m showing MY love for you!” Then you kiss him on the other cheek, the nose, and his forehead. “It might take a while; I do have a lot of love for you!”

Japan, with his face redder than a tomato, stops you before you could kiss him again. “What about trying out my katana?” He glances to the door of the kitchen, in the direction of the living room where his katana lay. “That is what you want to do right?”

“Yeah it is, but we have all day to do that. Right now I just want to spend some quality alone time with you.” You move closer so that your noses were almost touching. “Is that alright with you?”

Japan stares into your (e/c) eyes, mesmerized. “H-hai . . .” He lifts his hand and softly caresses your (h/c) hair. “You are very beautiful, did you know that?” His hand travels to your cheek and you lean in to his touch, face heating up.

“N-not really . . .” Without much warning, Japan steals a kiss, then another, and many after that. A few minutes passed of kissing and you laugh breathlessly. “How we come from talking about your katana to making out is behind me.”

You’re pulled closer by Japan and you take the chance to snuggle with him. “Which would you chose, katana or kissing?” You tap your chin in thought, a smirk making its way over your face.

“Most definitely kissing.” And with that, you kiss him on the lips. “I love you, Japan.” Said man returns your kiss with just as much force.

“I love you too, (y/n)-san. Daisuki desu.” The rest of the day you spend with one another, like a couple you two always were. Sadly you didn’t get to try out Japan’s katana, a detail you mourned greatly. But hey, there’s always another day!

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