Monday, May 28, 2012

South Korea 1

Today you asked Korea if he could help you with your shopping the next day. You had planned on buying a lot so you needed an extra pair of hands to help carry everything. Since Korea was your boyfriend you thought that he wouldn’t mind coming, it could be considered a date. When you said this to him, he immediately accepted. So now you were waiting in front of the train station, 10 minutes early from the meeting time. The sky was crystal blue and the sun was beating down heavily on the city.

“Maybe I should have waited a little longer before coming here.” You tug nervously at the dress you put on for the date. Before coming you had curled your (h/c) hair and quickly applied make-up that made your (e/c) eye’s stand out nicely. “Now I have to wait here in the sun . . .”

You feel a cool hand placed over your forehead. “How long have you been waiting out here (y/n)?” The moment you hear the owner of the hand’s voice, you know who it is.
“Not that long, Korea, but long enough for me to start sweating.” You turn around and smile at the sight of the Korean. “You’re early.” Korea’s brown eyes sparkle with amusement.
“I could say the same thing to you.” He takes hold of your hand and pulls you into nearby shadows. “If you started feeling too hot then you could have waited in the shadows.
In the shadows the temperatures were much lower and you let out a sigh of relief. “I guess I was so excited for today that I wasn’t thinking properly.” You wipe at your bangs, sticky with sweat. “Since we’re both here now, why don’t we start heading out?” You peek at him then at your clasped hands. “We’ve got a lot of places to go to.”
“Alright! Let’s go!” Oblivious to the blush that was coloring your face, Korea drags you behind him in a random direction.
After staring at Korea’s back in a distracted manner, you shake yourself out of it just in time to realize you were going the wrong way.  “Stop!” You tug at Korea’s arm, forcing him to come to a halt. He looks back at you in surprise. “Do you even know where you’re going?” His expression turns from surprise to shock as he glances around your surroundings.
“Oh.” You face palmed, sometimes your boyfriend acted like an airhead. With a sigh you take his hand and start walking down a different street then the one Korea was taking. A small breeze ruffles your (h/c) hair, and you revel in the coolness of it.
“Just follow me, I’ll take us to where we need to go.” Silence falls between you two as you make your way down streets, passing a variety of stores.
The one to break the silence is Korea. “Hey. (y/n)?”
“Just what is it that you want to buy?” You stop walking and glance over your shoulder at him. He stares at you and smiles, causing you to blush.
“I wanted to get some more summer clothes and at the same time look around at new things.” Korea’s slightly grimaces at the mention of clothes shopping, trying to hide it but you see through him. “You don’t have to come inside the store with me. I’ll go in, try some clothes on, and be right out.”
Korea’s brown eyes widen in surprise. He sees the effort you were putting in to hiding your disappointed expression and smiles to himself. “Nah, it’s alright.” You squeak quietly as he wraps an arm around your waist. “This is a date. What kind of boyfriend doesn’t help their girlfriend pick clothes out?”
You giggle. “A boyfriend that has common sense, that’s who.” Korea crosses his arms and pouts. “Haha I’m just kidding with you Korea.” You poke at one of his puffed out cheeks, causing him to let out the breath he was holding in and start laughing. When he got his laughs under control you tapped his cheek again but more tenderly this time. “Thank you though; going into the store alone wouldn’t be as much fun as going in with you.”
Korea blushes at your touch. “I-it’s no problem!” He suddenly leans forward and kisses you. “Anything for you.” Your face explodes into color and you turn back in the direction you were walking.
“O-oh s-stop that! We should really get going or else we won’t have enough time to get everything.” But Korea’s arms were still wrapped around you and weren’t letting go. “Why aren’t you letting go?”
You feel Korea nuzzle into your (h/c) hair. “I don’t wanna.” His hands run down your sides and grip your hips. “I’d rather go back home with you.”  Your (e/c) eyes widen as he pulls you back in the direction you came.
“H-hey! Wait! What about going shopping!?” You struggle to escape, but freeze when you feel lips kiss your shoulder.
“We can go another day, maybe even tomorrow, just not today.”
“W-why?” Your voice grows weaker as Korea’s kisses trail up the side of your neck.
At the end of the street Korea stops and spins you around so he could stare into your eyes. “Cause you’re way too cute and I don’t want any other guy looking at you.” You blush and glance away, embarrassed. “Besides” He uses one finger to lift your face back up. “You were made for me and I was made for you.” Korea kisses you softly. “I love you (y/n) . . .” You melt at his words and close your eyes and lean into the kiss.
“I love you too.” You felt yourself being lifted up and your eyes shoot open. “What are you doing?!”
Korea smirks down at you, now in his arms in a princess hold. “I’m taking you home.”
“Wha-? Noo!! My shopping!!!” You try to struggle but inside you know it’s hopeless. You’re shopping trip would have to be another day . . .

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