Monday, May 28, 2012

Rome 1

In general, you are calm and accepting. There isn’t much that angers you, and it’s rare for someone to see you get angry. But you couldn’t say that there weren’t times that something, or rather someone, pissed you off.

“Rome! What are you doing!?” You had left for one second to answer your phone and when you returned, you’re love of your life was flirting with another girl.
He jumps at the sound of your voice and slowly turns around to face you. The girl he had been flirting with pales at the sight of your expression and quickly scurries away. “(y/n)! T-that was a q-quick call. Who was it?” Your (e/c) eyes darken.
“It was just a friend, asking me if I was busy tomorrow.” You take a step closer to Rome. “What I’m wondering, though, is how you can flirt with someone else while on a date with me?” Another step, Rome holds out his hands in front of him.
“Now calm down (y/n). It isn’t what you think it was.” You cross your arms and give him a disbelieving look. Rome scratches the back of his neck nervously. “The young lady was lost and asked for directions. I couldn’t leave a beautiful girl in trouble so I decided to help her.”
When he called the girl beautiful your eye twitched. “Oh, really? So when you gave her the directions you also decided to have a ‘friendly conversation’ with her? Is that how it went?” Rome brightened up and smiled at you.
“That’s exactly how it went! I knew you would understand.” He opens your arms to hug you, but you side step it. Rome looks at you with confusion. “(Y/n)?”
You keep your eyes downcast, your (h/c) bangs covering them so Rome wouldn’t be able to see them. “This always happens. Every single time we go out, when I turn my back you go straight for another girl! Why do you-!” Bystanders around you were beginning to whisper to one another and you blushed as you realized you were making a scene.
There was one whisper that you could hear clearly enough that made your (e/c) eyes widen. “Look at her, she’s yelling at him without even listening to what he has to say.” Rome steps forward and places a hand on your shoulder, worried since you had fallen silent.
“Is something wrong?”
The whispers grow stronger. “He’s even worried and all she does is get angry with him! I feel so bad for that man, having a girl like that.” Tears pricked at your eyes as you brushed Rome’s hand off your shoulder.
“I’ve had enough of getting angry with you. All the yelling and fighting, I’m sick of it. If you want to be rid of me so much then fine, you’re free now.” You step backwards, not looking directly at Rome. Tears started streaming down your face and you didn’t try stopping them.
Rome continues staring at you in confusion, your words not fully comprehending to him. “I’m free now? What are you talking about?”
“It means we’re through.” You finally lift your head up and Rome gasps as the sight of your tears. “I hope you have a fun time flirting with all those girls!” Without another word you spin around and run away, pushing through the crowds of people. You could hear Rome call after you but you ignored him, tears pouring down your face. The only thought in your mind at the moment was to get away, and that was just what you were doing.
Time Skip
You had been running for who knows how long and ended up in a small park. There was a play structure nearby where little kids were playing on. Families with dogs walked down the concrete path, talking and laughing. You sat on a bench, sniffling as stray tears leak down your cheeks. Couples holding hands walk past you, in their own little world, and you watch in envy.
The day had started off so good, a kind of day one would think would end nicely too. Another tear trails down from your eye, but you brush it away. “How I wish I could go back in time . . . Maybe if I hadn’t yelled at him so many times before this wouldn’t have happened . . .” You wallow in self pity a little longer till your cell phone starts buzzing. The caller id says it was Italy. “Hello?”
“Ve~ (y/n)! How’s the date with nonno going?” The cheerful tone of the young Italian brings a smile to your lips, but at what he said it turns into a grimace.
“Not too well a-actually Italy . . .” Your voice cracks while you talk telling Italy that you had been crying.
More tears spill and you sobbed quietly. “(Y/n)! What happened? Did you get separated from Grandpa Rome?” The concern in Italy’s voice was evident, which made you feel slightly better but not enough to make the tears stop.
“I don’t deserve him! I don’t deserve him at all!” You cried out, attracting the attention of some people walking past. But through the tears you glare at them, and they continue on their way.
Rustling noises came from the other end of the phone. “Please don’t cry ve!” Italy tries to calm you down, managing to get you to control your sobs. “What makes you think you don’t deserve nonno?”
   “Because, you know how I’m always calm and collected with everyone?”
“Ve~ yeah! (Y/n) is such a mature lady hehe.”
You blush, but continue. “Well I can’t be like that when it comes to Rome. I continuously yell at him and get possessive. A relationship like that isn’t healthy and I’m sure that Rome isn’t happy being with me.” A sob comes up your throat but you push it down.
Italy doesn’t say anything for a long period of time and you begin to wonder if he hung up on you. “You’re wrong (y/n).” You look questioningly at the phone but realize that Italy couldn’t see you.
“What do you mean I’m wrong?”
“When you act different from your normal self with someone doesn’t that mean that person is special to you? I think nonno realized this a while back, so he’s alright with your yelling. He loves you and I know he is the happiest when he’s with you.” With every word Italy says, the blush on your face grows darker and darker.
You clutch the phone closer and whisper softly. “Is that really the truth?”
  “Of course it is.” You gasp at the familiar voice. You turn your head slowly to the side to face Rome, with his hands on his knees panting. He straightens up and looks squarely at you.
Italy’s worried voice cuts in and you quickly answer him. “Sorry, Ita I’ll call you later.” You end the call and set your phone down, standing up from the bench. “Rome?”
He rushes forward and wraps his arms around you. “I’m sorry, (y/n). For making you feel so insecure.” His hold on you tightens. “I love every part of you; you’re the only one for me.”
“Are you telling me the truth?” Rome nods. “Even though I always shout at you, get jealous fast, and can’t show affection very well?”
Rome pulls back slightly and you stare into his brown eyes. “You’re perfect even with your flaws. I love you. What about you? I flirt with almost every girl I see and I’m pretty dense. Do you still love me?”
You smile and kiss him deeply. “Of course I love you. As you say, Italians are lovers.” You giggle and Rome beams at. “But please don’t cheat on me.”
Rome kisses both your cheeks and then your lips. “Never.”

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