Tuesday, June 5, 2012

England 1

Since you’re related to Russia, people generally believe that you’re like him. That isn’t true. You do have a temper like Russia, not as bad though, but you’re kind, smart, and have a great sense of humor. There are some that know you don’t act like him, the rest of your family of your family for example. There’s one specific person that knows the truth and spends quite some time with you, it just so happens to be the guy you have a crush on, England. One small, little problem . . . ok it’s actually a really big, huge problem. Your older brother, Russia, doesn’t like England very much. It was when you were at a World meeting in London that you told him you had a crush on the Englishman, he didn’t take it very well.
“Nyet, I will not let my сестра get involved more than necessary with that man.” Rain beats against the hotel room you were residing in windows hard, a storm that matches Russia’s mood. The beginning of the day had been nice and sunny, but it was around an hour ago when dark clouds rolled in and rain began pouring down.
You glare at Russia, your violet eyes ablaze. “I wasn’t asking for your permission брат, I was only informing you of my feelings. Besides you can’t decided on who I can and cannot like, that’s only my decision.” Suddenly Russia’s grimace turns into a childish smile, one you knew meant bad news.
“I could make it so you wouldn’t be able to see England anymore, Ana.” You gasp, covering your mouth with one hand.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
Russia pulls out his infamous metal pipe from within his jacket. “Or I could pay England a little visit; ‘persuade’ him to keep away from you, kolkolkol.”
“I won’t let you hurt him, Russia. You’d have to get through me first.”
Ukraine, who had been in the room too, spoke softly to Russia. “She is right брат, you cannot do that. This is a world meeting, held in England’s capital; the other countries would know something happened if the host went missing.” You smile thankfully at Ukraine who returns it with a gentler version.   
 “Then after the meetings.”
This time Lithuania, also in the room standing in a clump with Latvia and Estonia, replies. “M-M-Mr.Russia, w-we have a lot of work t-to do that needs to be f-finished back h-home. T-This m-meeting has put us back o-on schedule.” Russia’s smile quickly becomes strained looking.
“Then after the meeting, before we leave the country.” As Russia continues to try and compromise, you become more and more irritated at his efforts.
   “STOP! No matter when it is I will never let you hurt England!” You screech out, balling your hands into fists.
Russia snaps his fingers loudly, having ignored what you shouted out. “I could send Belarus after him! Da, that is a perfect plan!” Luckily for Russia, she isn’t in the room. “What do you think Ana?” He looks at you, his violet eyes shining and childish smile renewed.
“What do I think?” You respond sarcastically. “Are you really asking me that?” Russia nods his head enthusiastically. “I think you should stop trying to control my life and to stay away from my England!” You take a couple of steps forward till your almost touching chests. “If you harm even one strand of his golden hair on his beautiful head I will cut our ties and wage war.”
You stare stonily at him, showing him you weren’t joking. Russia glances down at you, since you were a head shorter than him, with an amused look on his face. “You are my younger sister, I can control your life if I so wish. If you do not stay away from that man I will make sure he doesn’t ever see the light of another day.” You hear Ukraine try to stifle a gasp and the Baltic’s whimper.
“I may be your little sister, but I am not your possession. If I wish to see England then I shall, with or without your consent.” You jab Russia’s chest once before spinning around on your heel and walking towards the door.
“Ana, if you walk out that door I assure you that England will not be safe.”
You have one hand on the door knob and turn it, opening the door and stepping outside. Just before the door closes you utter one last thing. “Even if you are my brother, I’ll fight with everything I have to protect him.”
Time Skip
After leaving the hotel you had planned on marching over to England’s house and confessing. But as you stepped through the automatic sliding doors you were pelted with rain, your blonde hair getting soaked instantly. Since you didn’t want to turn back and face Russia’s wrath you ran as quickly as you could down the streets, trying to shield yourself from the rain with your jacket flaps.
“W-would have b-been a g-great idea to b-bring an um-umbrella!” Your teeth were chattering as you blindly ran, clothes already drenched.
All of a sudden you feel yourself step onto something squishy. Looking up, you find yourself having walked off the street and onto the grassy area of a river bank. Close by was a bridge crossing the river, which was crashing downstream at quicker speeds than normal. You didn’t recognize this area of London so you just glanced around you in a daze.
You huff and wipe locks of your blonde hair that had matted against your forehead. “W-well there goes m-my plan to confess to E-England. I don’t e-even know where I a-am anymore.” Lightning shot through the sky, lighting up everything and you didn’t even flinch. “What s-should I d-do now?”
With more glance back the way you came, you decided to head over to the bridge. At least if you went underneath it you’d be shielded from a majority of the storm. Below the bridge the water was continuously rising so there wasn’t much space to stand.
“I’ll j-just have to m-make do with it.” You crouch down slowly, sliding your back against the concrete Pillars. Only a few raindrops got through and splashed across your cheeks, and the wind wasn’t as strong. “Haa, it would be too dangerous to continue on in this storm so I guess I’ll wait it out here.” You twiddled your thumbs as the rain poured across the city. After what seemed like hours, you stand up and glare up at the sky. “Just how long are you going to rain like this?!”
“Probably a while; this is England you know, a rainy country.” You had thought that you were alone the entire time, so when you heard the English accented voice you flinched and spun in the direction of the voice.
There stood a man with a green umbrella over his golden blonde hair; he stares at you sharply with emerald green eyes. “E-england?” You gasp out, violet eyes widening. “What are you doing here?”
England grimaces and takes a couple steps forward so he was farther under the bridge. “I could be asking you the same thing.” He refolds his umbrella, shaking off the all the water on it. “Ukraine called and told me that you had a fight with Russia and went out into this storm. Which I believe to be the most stupid thing you could do, love.” You cross your arms and pout.
“It’s better than staying in the same room with my older brother when we’re fighting.” England glares at you as he sets the umbrella against the pillar.
“Ana, that’s a terrible reason to have gone outside, especially here at the river where the water levels are rising.” He reaches out and brushes some blonde damp hair back behind your ear, lingering a bit longer at your cheek. “And you even forgot an umbrella, you’re completely soaked poppet.”
You blush at England’s light touch. “I was kind of in a rush. To your house actually, but I got lost on the way there.” England pulls his hand back slowly, reluctantly, and chuckles.
“London can be sort of like a maze, more so to foreigners. Come on, I’ll take you to my home where we can dry off and have a nice cup of tea to warm us up.” Thunder rumbles in the distant and you look towards the sky, which had grown considerably lighter.
“It looks like the rain’s finally letting up somewhat.” The rain was still coming down hard but less rough then before. Instead of hearing the pounding of water on ground it was more of a pattering sound.
With one hand England grasps the umbrella and opens it, the other he holds out towards you. “I don’t know how long this calm is going to last, so we should go now.” Your face heats up again as you take his hand. “Come on.” He leads you out from under the bridge, covering the two of you with his big green umbrella.
“So . . . what kind of tea would we be having?” The ground underneath made squishy sounds as you tread upon it, your grip on England’s hand helping you keep your balance.
The English man glances at you, an amused smile playing at his lips. “You can choose any tea that you want that I have. You should remember the choices from last time you visited.” At the mention of last time, you think back to your last trip to England’s house and giggle.
“How about that tea we had then, the one that you said was your favorite. I really liked it.”
“Earl grey?”
You grin brightly. “Yeah! That’s the one!” Suddenly the ground changed from soft and squishy to hard and steady. You were off the riverbank and back on the street before it. The surrounding area looked extremely gray and damp, the effect of this downpour.
“Hey isn’t that-?” England points off in the distance towards some nearby closed stores. You look to where’s gesturing and gasp. There, standing close to a lamp post, staring at the two of you was Belarus. She glares darkly at you before swiftly spinning around and walking in the opposite direction, the way to the hotel Russia was at.
  “Belarus.” You frown at her retreating figure. Once she was completely out of sight, you let out a long sigh and your shoulders sag. “If she tells Russia I’m with you there’s going to be hell to pay later.”
England looks at you questioningly. “Now why’s that, love? Something to do with that fight you had with your git of a brother, Russia?”
 “Yup, he doesn’t like me spending time with you. And some other things but that’s not important. I’m worried about you; I don’t want you to get hurt because of me.” You glance down glumly as the walk towards England’s house continues.
“I was once a great Empire, Ana, I can take care of myself fine.” You smile and giggle softly causing England to frown. “What’s so funny?”
You wave your hand in the air. “Nothing, nothing, if you believe that then it’s fine. It doesn’t stop me from worrying about you though.” England huffs and rolls his green eyes.
“And what would you want then? To protect me all by yourself?” Your violet eyes twinkle as he suggests that.
“Of course, Iggy! That’s just what I plan on doing! I am Russia’s sister so it’d make sense that I’d be able to stand up to him. Besides, I’m not afraid of Belarus unlike most countries.” England scowls at the use of his nickname and you snicker.
“Don’t call me that annoying rubbish. I have a name and I’d like you to use it.” He rants on how Iggy wasn’t his proper name and how people should stop calling him that. You were only half listening; most of your attention was put in observing the cute look on his face. Once the two of you had reached England’s house and had stepped onto the front porch, England fumbled in his pocket for keys. “You know Ana, you may be Russia’s sister but you aren’t like him.” He finds the key and sticks it into the keyhole, glancing up at you. “I’ve know you for a while and I’m pretty sure I know everything there is to know.”
He twists the key and opens the door, gesturing for you to step in. You think about his last comment and smirk, an idea popping in your head. Quickly you shoot forward and steal a kiss from England, a playful expression on your face. “Not everything.” You scamper into his house, leaving the stunned Englishman outside with his mouth hanging open. He stares at the door for a minute before swiftly stepping inside with a possessive gleam in his eyes, closing the door shut, and locking it.

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