Monday, May 28, 2012

Russia 2

The past couple of days have been lonely for you, since Russia was too busy with work to spare any time for you. But that doesn’t mean you don’t see each other. Living with the Russian has its perks. Though the little meetings you have in the mornings and/or at nights isn’t the same as putting everything done and going on a date. Some days you wished that Russia would surprise you with put away time just for you. You weren’t really expecting him to though; the Russian can be very much of a workaholic.
You were walking down the hall, in the direction of Russia’s office, with a chipper expression and a tray of tea. The times where you bring tea to him and enjoy it together was the closest thing you had to a date. The Russian’s office door comes up quickly and you knock on it twice before entering.
“Hey Russia I brought the-” You glanced around with an expectant expression only to find no one in the room. “Tea . . . Where is he?” Your expression falls and your (e/c) eyes droop. “Maybe he went to a meeting and forgot to tell me . . .” One glance at the clock and you knew that wasn’t it.
A breeze comes from the open window behind the large oak desk and ruffles your (h/c) hair. With it came the soft muffled sound of a familiar Russian accented voice. You stare bewildered at the window, how could Russia be outside at a time like this? If he has that kind of time couldn’t he be spending it with you?
A longing sigh escapes your lips as you set the tray of tea on the desk, careful not to spill anything, and step closer to the window. The sun was shining brightly and big, fluffy, white clouds dotted the blue sky, the sight making a small smile appear on your face. Down below you could see your Russian boyfriend cheerfully talking to Ukraine, while holding onto a large wicker basket. Knowing that he had the time to leisurely talk with his sister and not you made you feel sad inside. But you quickly shake that feeling away. This isn’t the time for self-pity! Besides, he has the right to talk to anyone he wants.
    Instead you push the window open even farther and lean out it. “Russia! What are you doing!?” At the sound of your voice, Russia turns away from Ukraine and smiles brightly up at you.
“(Y/n)! There you are! I’ve been looking for you!” He shouts, Ukraine giggles and taps Russia’s shoulder before waving to him and walking away. Your (e/c) eyes widen, he was looking for you?
“I just brought your tea like I normally do. Why are you looking for me?”
Russia giggles childishly and gestures for you to come down. “Come down here, I’ve got great news for you, моя любовь.” You grin at him and turn half way away from the window, but stop when Russia calls to you again. “(Y/n), just jump I’ll catch you.” You glance down and gulp at the distance to the ground. Of course it would high; you WERE on the second floor.
“I can’t, its way too high up. What if you don’t catch me?” Russia sets the basket down and holds his arms out in front of him, smiling at you reassuringly.
“When have I ever missed catching you?”
You think back to the past, and shake your head. “Never, I guess.”
“Then what makes you think this time is any different?” A blush creeps onto your face as Russia continues speaking. “Trust me, da?” Watching you nod, he stretches his arms out a little farther, his scarf billowing in the wind. “Jump.”
Taking one more look at how far a drop it would be, you step onto the frame of the wood and sit on the edge. “You’ll catch me for sure, right?” Your only answer is another kind, yet creepy, smile from the Russian. “Alright, here I come.” You push yourself out of the window, squeezing your eyes shut tightly.
The fall lasted a total of 3 seconds before you felt yourself caught by strong, sturdy, arms. Your feet are set on the ground and you feel a pair of hands caress your cheeks. Slowly you open your eyes, your (e/c) irises looking into violet ones. “I told you I’d catch you.”
“So you did.” You giggle cutely and Russia captures your lips in a fiery kiss that takes your breath away. When he pulls back and you manage to get your breathing back to normal, you get to the whole reason you jumped from the window. “So what’s this good news?” At the mention of the news, Russia picks you up bridal style and starts spinning around.
“News that you will surely love!” His expression is so full of happiness that it’s contagious and you laugh along with him.
The spinning motions were beginning to make you feel dizzy so you gripped Russia’s long coat and kissed him hard on the lips. Surprised, Russia stumbles a little and falls on his butt with you in his lap. “Why don’t you tell me what this news is then, if I’m going to love it so much.” You stand up and brush yourself off, smirking down at the Russian. Many say that the Russia is a terrifying man, to you though he was completely harmless. So you weren’t afraid to tease him a little bit.
“Very feisty today aren’t you, моя любовь?” You roll your eyes slightly and smile down at him, holding out your hand to help him up. But when Russia takes it he drags you back down against his chest.
“Woah!” Russia starts petting your (h/c) hair, nuzzling into the top of your head. “Russia?”
He kisses your forehead and leans close to your ear. “Я свободен для сегодня.” Since living with Russia, you’ve learned enough Russian to understand most of what he says. So when he told you that, you hugged him tightly.
“Does that mean we can spend today together?” You look pleadingly up at him and he chuckles.
“That was why I called you down, (y/n). There is somewhere I want to go with you. You will come, da?” His request was more of a demand, but that was how he normally asked for something.
You shake your head and smile at him warmly. “You don’t even need to ask. I would go anywhere as long as I am with you.” One more kiss on the lips before Russia helps you up.
“Good. Then we shall go right now, da?” He grabs the basket that you had forgotten about with one hand and takes hold of your hand with the other. “It’s close, so we can walk.” Then he sets off into the woods at a fast pace with you walking behind him, a goofy smile on your face.
Time Skip
Never believe Russia when he says something is close. Because what he thinks is close is actually miles away for normal people. You had been walking for at least two hours now and the effects had started showing half an hour ago. Breaks weren’t allowed since Russia wanted to get there as soon as possible. There were a couple of times that he had asked you if you wanted to be carried, but you refused to accept. Though you were getting tired you didn’t want to appear weak.
“Russia for the last time, I don’t need to be carried. I’m tired, yes, but that doesn’t mean I’m not strong enough to walk on my own. So please stop asking.” You huff and walk a little faster, causing your muscles to protest even more.
All of a sudden you’re grabbed by your waist and slung over Russia’s shoulder a bit forcefully. “Я сожалею, but if you will not listen to me then I must use force (y/n).”
“Let me go! You can’t do this to me! I’m your girlfriend not a sack of potatoes!” You hit the Russian’s back, trying to get him to put you down. Strands of your (h/c) hair got stuck in your mouth as you struggle and you spit them out. 
But Russia only continues to walk forward, ignoring your resistance. “It’s just up ahead, so put up with this for a little longer.” He feels you go limp and believes that you had given up. Really you were just waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
After a few more minutes of walking in this position, Russia comes to a stop. You took this time to take a deep breath before pushing his shoulders. Russia had loosened his grip on you so you could slide down, so when you pushed at him you fell backwards and landed on your back.
“Oomph, t-that hurt.” Russia chuckles, he grabs your upper arm and lifts you up.
   “You are very impatient to be getting down da?”
You splutter and stare at him with wide, disbelieving, (e/c) eyes. “Well girls don’t enjoy being treated like objects you know!” Russia chuckles again and strokes your cheek with one finger, a gentle expression on his face. This action makes you shut up, a blush forming quickly. “What?”
“Turn around, моя любовь.” He gestures to a point over your shoulder. You slowly twist around and what you see causes you to gasp. Russia tugs on some of your (h/c) hair playfully. “What do you think?”
Right in front of you was a picture worthy scenery. There was a sunflower field that stretched as far as you could see; all flowers in full bloom. In the center was a single hill that rose above the sunflowers. “T-this . . . this is . . . amazing . . .” You faced Russia and gave him the longest kiss you’ve ever given, before running off into the sunflower field giggling. Russia watches you run off, mesmerized. When you notice that he isn’t following, you turn around and smirk. “Прибытие?”
 Hearing his own language being used by someone other than him snaps him out of his trance. “Конечно.” He grips the basket and sprints after you. The two of you dash passed the sunflowers onto the top of the hill. You plop down onto the ground and smile when Russia does too next to you. He opens the basket and takes out vodka for him, tea for you, and a random pie. When he sees your questioning look he explains. “I had asked my sister to prepare this for us.”
You blush as you think back to what you had thought at first. But inside you were happy that Russia would go through such lengths to spend time with you. The next 20 or so minutes were spent eating and drinking the meal that was prepared, a few words said here and there but otherwise silent. When you finished eating you let out a satisfied sigh and leaned against Russia’s broad shoulder, nuzzling into his scarf.
“Thank you, for taking me here. It’s beautiful.” After a minute or two of silence, Russia glances down and discovers you asleep.
“You really were exhausted, (y/n).” He brushes some (h/c) hair away from your forehead and kisses it tenderly. “Sleep well, мой подсолнечник. Я люблю Вас.”
You weren’t entirely asleep, so you hear him and mumble quietly. “I love you too.” Russia’s violet eyes widen but then relax when he sees your eyes still closed. He nuzzles into your hair, breathing in your scent, and intertwines your hands. Soon enough he falls asleep right next to you, in the center of a sunflower field. Not thinking about work or anything other than one another.    
моя любовь = my love
Я свободен для сегодня = I’m free for today
Я сожалею = I’m sorry
Прибытие? = Coming?
Конечно = of course
мой подсолнечник = my sunflower
Я люблю Вас = I love you

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