Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Spain 1

You were in your car driving. Today was the first day of your dancing lessons. The lessons of a very passionate dance known as the tango. The one that involved bodies being so close together that they might as well be considered one, it had been described by one of your friends that it is like being in a tube top with you and your dance partner. But that wasn’t the worst part. The worst part is you’re going to be stuck in a tube top with the guy you have had the biggest crush on since you had seen him in his tomato garden two years ago. You wore a pair of high heeled shoes with a long flowing skirt that is pretty easy to move around in.

What in all of heck on earth am I going to do? You thought. Spain had offered you dancing lessons but you didn’t exactly grasped the concept on what the dance was until that evening.

Your ride to Spain’s house was faster than you thought it would be. You put the car in park then turned it off and sat there for second. “I can do this.” You said to yourself then took a deep breath. You then got out of the car flipping your hair to the side then marching yourself up onto Spain’s then knocked on his door. Spain’s house was very lovely Exactly as you expected it to be. Soon enough the spaniard opened the front door.

“Hello there (y/n)!” He said with a smile, clearly excited that you were here. He then proceeded to take your hand gently and bring you into his beautiful house and leads you to a back room. When he opened up the door you saw it was completly for dancing. Your heart was beating faster than it had before. He let go of your hand and walked over to the stereo. He quickly chucked a cd in and was back over by you. He put his hand around your waist and pulled you close. “Posture (y/n).” He whispered as you straighten your back out. Spain takes your hand and places it upon his shoulder then takes the other in his hand.

“This dance is all about elegance, posture, and assertiveness.” He said aloud with a smile on his face. “But not only that it is a conversation, a language.” You smile shyly and nod your head. He takes a step forward while you step back he smiles. “Very good (y/n)” You two dance until you began to learn more and more of the dance, suddenly Spain trips and then lands on top of you on the floor. His face a bright red with yours being the same. The once very confident man now trembling of embarrassment. “I-I’m sorry (y/n). I don’t know what happened I just kind of fell.” He said with a nervous smile.

You then chuckle and smile brightly up at him. “Its alright Spain this was actually a lot more fun then I thought it was going to be.” With a sudden burst of confidence you say,”Spain. I really like you. I mean sense we meet I have had the biggest crush on you.”

Spain smiled sweetly at you and said. “I have always kind of liked you to (y/n). I mean the way you (h/c) hair shines and blows when the wind is blowing. I. I just couldn’t help but fall for you.” He moves his head down to yours and kisses your lips gently.

“Te Amo.” You whisper as he parts.

His smile grew even wider. “Te amo demasiado.”

Te amo = I love you

Te amo demasiado = I love you too

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